Singelton Timeline Utility for Adobe Animate HTML Banners.
CjsFun( this:timeline
, myClickThoughFunction:function
the stage timelinemyClickThoughFunction
accepts optional function to generate a dynamic button and apply your function as a click event.
globalSpeed: 0.3
- Set a global default speed for animation functions.
globalEase: createjs.Ease.quadOut
- Set a global default ease for animation functions.
pauser( Number:0
- Pauses timeline for variable amout of time.
- Returns total time pauser was used + main timeline time.
initMc ( Movieclip, { useStageReg:false }
- Records stage position, scale, & alpha of Movieclip.
- Resets transformation point to 0,0 unless useStageReg arguement is passed.
- Required when extending this module
- Built in replay event callback.
- Tells main timeline to gotoAndPlay(0) and calls resetAllMc()
- For timeline replay events.
- Resets all MovieClip positions and alpha to original positions.
fadeIn( MovieClip, delay: 0, { sp: globalSpeed, ease: globalEase }
- Fades in a movieclip from alpha 0
fadeOut( MovieClip, delay: 0, { sp: globalSpeed, ease: globalEase }
- Fades out a movieclip to alpha 0
Set global var in DOM or on stage
var fun = null;
Initialize & Set custom speed variable on Frame "0" in AnimateCC
fun = new CjsFun( this );
fun.sp = 0.6;
fun.ease = createjs.Ease.cubicInOut;
To Automatically build a clickthrough button sized to the stage:
fun = new CjsFun( this, myClickThoughFunction );
Execute on any frame:
// Use only defaults, no delay.
fun.fadeIn( this.mc1 );
// Set custom delay. Use default speed, ease.
fun.fadeIn( this.mc2, 1.1);
// Set all custom params
fun.fadeIn( this.mc3, 1.5, { sp: 0.5, ease: createjs.Ease.cubicInOut });
// Pause Timeline for 3 seconds
// Place on last frame to log estimated runtime
To replay animation and reset all programatic tweens:
this.my_replay_button.addEventlistener( "click", fun.replay, false);
To only reset all programatic tweens in custome replay event handler:
this.my_replay_button.addEventlistener( "click", onReplayClick, false);
function onReplayClick(e){
// Your custom code
CjsFun.prototype.slideDown = function( _mc, _delay, _options ){
this.initMc( _mc ); // Required
_options = _options || {};
var delay = _delay || 0,
sp = _options.sp || 0.3,
ease = _options.ease || createjs.Ease.quadOut;
startY = _options.startY || (_mc.y - _mc.nominalBounds.height);
mc.y = startY;
createjs.Tween.get(mc, { override:true }).wait( delay*1000 ).to({ y: mc.stageY }, sp*1000, ease );
Then on framescript:
fun.slideDown( this.mc4, 1.2, { sp: 0.5, startY: 600 });
- Shared Library for DCM ads
- Shared Library for Sizmek ads