What's Changed
- Updated: the app name in config files(#191) by @R-Sourabh in #193
- Implemented: Empty state for invalid user(#187) by @R-Sourabh in #190
- FIxed: the multiple api calls for permissions (#188) by @R-Sourabh in #194
- Improved: Added the functionality to validate image and show toast(#185) by @R-Sourabh in #189
- Improved: app version from ionic 6 to ionic 7 (#84) by @amansinghbais in #179
- Improved: app to upgrade ionic to v7.6.0 (#84) by @ravilodhi in #85
- Implemented: timeZone switcher component from dxp package(dxp/262) by @R-Sourabh in #186
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.8.0