This release requires C++23 or higher.
Added more content to documentation.
Made reading/writing files more streamlined and efficient.
Fixed a bug in Median and Kth_element visitors related to handling nans.
Added ability to read/write String Vectors, Double Sets, and String Sets as column elements in CSV2 format.
Added seed option to all algorithms that use random numbers.
Implemented PriceVolumeTrendVisitor visitor.
Implemented QuantQualEstimationVisitor visitor.
Fixed RSIVisitor visitor result to be the same size as its input.
Implemented get_str_col_stats().
Added get_euclidean_norm() to QuadraticMeanVisitor visitor.
Added different normalization-types to NormalizeVisitor visitor.
Added more benchmarking comparing with Pandas and Polars
Made sorting much faster by using ranges and zip.