This is an experimental project to learn tRPC. In this project, we are going to implement a simple blogging website using Vue/React as the front-end framework and tRPC + Express as the back-end framework. Our blogging website should have features as follows: (As well as bonus features)
- Should be able to view any posts on the home page with
post title
,post brief description
, andpost last update date
in each postcard. - On the home page posts should be paginated by the
infinite scrolling
mechanism. - User should be able to search and filter posts by each post's title and description.
- Each user should be able
Create New Post
on a separate page e.g./posts/create
. - Creating a post has an Important Catch. Each post should be identified with its
field. Therefore, in the Creation phase, the unique post slug should be validated. - By clicking on each post card user should be navigated to the post detail page using
as an identifier. On the post, details page user should see all available information related to the post. - Each user can add comments below other users' posts.
- All comments should be listed below each post.
- By default maximum of 5 comments should be visible. In case any post had more than 5 comments a 'Load More' button should be visible below the comments list.
- All data should be persisted in back-end.
- Using Prisma as a persistence DB is highly recommended and adds a huge bonus.
- Having aesthetic UI brings a bonus.
- Developing Category model and connecting it to
model has extra bonus. - In case you implemented category model, In home page user should be able filter each posts using category items.
- Having an Authentication system has a huge bonus.
- Implementing comments using WebSockets has a huge bonus.
- Writing Unit Tests has a bonus.
- fork the project to your account
- clone the project
git clone <URL>
- in the root of the root repo run:
npm install
It is recommended to use
. -
initialize the Prisma with this command (optional)
cd apps/api-server/
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
cd ../../
- start the dev client and server
npm run dev
- Volar + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)
- Prisma
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- npm workspaces monorepo
- Express.js
- Prisma
- Typescript
- tRPC
- Zod
- Tailwind
- Vue 3
- Vue Query (tanstack)
- Prettier
- Eslint