Information that is useful for learning Python.
- Codecademy
- Free Code Camp Python for InfoSec
- Edube, Free Learning for Python, C, C++, and JavaScript
- Stack Overflow
- Dataquest
- Python Objects and Classes
- Python OOP Tutorial (Video)
- What is PEP 8?
- Exercism - Learn Multiple Programming Languages For Free
- Learn Python With JetBrains
- *Book* Al Swiegart's Python Books
- *Book* Violent Python
- *Book* Python Crash Course
- *Book* Black Hat Python
- Git It? How to use Git and Github
- Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course
- How to use GitHub with Pycharm in less than 7 minutes
- Download the Pro Git Book
The first time you connect your GitHub to your IDE you will need to set your global username and email before you can push out any commits:
git config --global "Enter Your Name Here"
git config --global "Enter [email protected] Here"
- Reserved Words That Cannot Be Used as Variables
- Python Exceptions
- Python Dictionary Methods
- Python List/Array Methods
- Python String Methods
- Python Built in Functions
- Python File Methods
- Python RegEx Tutorial
- W3Schools Python RegEx
- Real Python - RegEx
- Regular Expressions in Python (Video)
- Regex 101 - Write and Test Your RegEx
From a terminal window, copy the file from the Guest Additions CD-ROM to a path on your local system. Ensure it is executable and run the file to begin the installation.
kali@kali:~$ cp /media/cdrom/ ~/Downloads/
kali@kali:~$ chmod 0755 ~/Downloads/
kali@kali:~$ cd ~/Downloads/
kali@kali:~/Downloads$ ./
Reboot the Kali Linux VM to complete the Guest Additions installation. You should now have full mouse and screen integration as well as the ability to share folders with the host system. Make sure to remove the disk from the virtual drive once logged back into the system.
The first step is to download the ".deb" package from:
This file will now be located in your Downloads folder. Verify this and install the file (Note that your installer may be a different version than this):
cd Downloads # navigate to your Downloads folder
ls # List out all the items in the folder
sudo apt install ./code_1.69.0-1657183742_amd64.deb # install the package
That's it! VSCode is now installed on your machine, feel free to delete the installer package in your "Downloads" folder. You will now be able to find VSCode in your "Applications" by searching in the top left corner.