This repo is for deployment. Check out this repo for detailed commits during development, detailing each step by step addition of components per commit
- Download this repo
- (Optional) Create a virtual environment and activate it. For Mac users follow here https://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/Python/virtualenv.html
- In your virtual/local environment
into the downloaded folder, and executepip install -r requirements.txt
- Execute
python manage.py runserver
- Go to a browser and enter the url
- Monte Carlo Visualizer homepage should render
- React
- Ploly.js
- Axios
- Django
- Django REST framework
Monte Carlo simulation is a method used to approximate numerical values. One example is approximating π.
Sample random number from [-1,1] from a uniform distribution and check if it lies inside/outside the unit circle. Approximate π using the area of the circle and the square from [-1,1]
- Select the number of iteration (points) dynamically
- Select the frame rate dynamically (iterations per frame)
- Visualize the randomly generated points inside the figure per frame
- Visualize the approximation of pi per frame