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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 18, 2022. It is now read-only.



OSS Lifecycle

STATUS: this project is archived. You can learn about connecting Fluentd to Honeycomb in our docs.

Questions? You can chat with us in the Honeycomb Pollinators Slack. You can find a direct link to request an invite in Spread the Love: Appreciating Our Pollinators Community.

Send your logs to Honeycomb. (For more information about using Honeycomb, see our docs.)

Getting started

  1. Install this plugin with gem install fluent-plugin-honeycomb

  2. Edit your fluentd.conf configuration file. A minimal configuration looks like this:

<match your_match>
  @type honeycomb
  writekey "YOUR_WRITEKEY"
  dataset "fluentd_test_dataset"


Basic options

Parameter Type Required? Description
writekey string yes Your Honeycomb write key.
dataset string yes The name of the destination dataset in your Honeycomb account.
sample_rate integer no Sample your event stream by sending 1 out of every N events.
include_tag_key bool no Whether to include the Fluentd tag in the submitted event.
tag_key string no If include_tag_key is true, the tag key name in the event (default: fluentd_tag).
flatten_keys array no Flatten nested JSON data under these keys into the top-level event.
dataset_from_key string no Look for this key in each event, and use its value as the destination dataset. If an event doesn't contain the key, it'll be sent to the dataset given by the dataset parameter.
presampled_key string no Look for this key in each event, and use its value as the sample rate for the record. If an event doesn't contain the key, the logic around sample_rate will be used (1 out of every N events will be sent instead). If an event's presampled_key value is not a positive integer, the value is discarded, and the event is sent to Honeycomb with a samplerate of 1 (the default), ignoring the sample_rate configuration option.

Buffering options

fluent-plugin-honeycomb supports the standard configuration options for buffered output plugins.


I recommend using rbenv for development.

To set up Fluentd, run:

gem install fluentd
fluentd --setup ./fluent

Edit the configuration file at ./fluent/fluent.conf, then run

fluentd -c ./fluent/fluent.conf -v

A note about naming: This gem must be named fluent-plugin-xxx in order to automatically be included in Fluentd's plugin list. See

Releasing a new version

Travis will automatically upload tagged releases to Rubygems. To release a new version:

  1. Update the value of HONEYCOMB_PLUGIN_VERSION in lib/plugin/out_honeycomb_version.rb`

  2. Update spec.version in fluent-plugin-honeycomb.gemspec.

  3. Run

    bump patch --tag   # Or bump minor --tag, etc.
    git push --follow-tags