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Log activity inside your AdonisJS app

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The @holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog package provides easy to use functions to log the activities of the models(not only) of your app. The Package stores all activity in the activity_logs table.

Here's a demo of how you can use it:

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const a = await activity().by(user).log('Look, I logged something')


npm i @holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog

Next, publish config file

node ace configure @holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog

this will create migration file in the database/migrations directory

Next run migration

node ace migration:run


All models that will interact with logs MUST use the @MorphMap('AliasForClass') decorator and implement LogModelInterface interface decorator.


import { BaseModel, column } from '@adonisjs/lucid/orm'
import { MorphMap } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'
import { LogModelInterface } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

export default class User extends BaseModel implements LogModelInterface {
  getModelId(): string {
    return String(
  // other code goes here

export default class Post extends BaseModel implements LogModelInterface {
  getModelId(): string {
    return String(
  // model code goes here


App version

Only AdonisJs v6+ app

Database Support

Currently supported databases: postgres, mysql, mssql, sqlite

UUID support

By default package supports UUID models, just don't forget to implement getModelId method


Writing logs

The simplest way to log something is to call the log method

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const myLog = await activity().log('Look, I logged something')

If you need to specify the user call by method

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const myLog = await activity().by(user).log('Log by user')
// or you can manually pass user alias and id
// const myLog = await activity().by('users', 1).log('Log by user')

Important! User model MUST use @MorphMap decorator. Check configuration

To specify event name call making method

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const myLog = await activity()
  .making('update') // you can specify anything you want
  .log('Post successfully updated')

To specify entity use on method

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const post = await Post.find(id)

const myLog = await activity()
  .on(post) // you can pass post model instance or model alias and id
  .log('Post successfully updated')

Important! Post model MUST use @MorphMap decorator. Check configuration

To specify attributes you need to call havingCurrent method

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const myLog = await activity().by(user).making('update').on(post).havingCurrent({
  title: 'new title',
}).log('Post successfully updated')

And of course you can save previous as well

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const myLog = await activity().by(user).making('update').on(post).havingCurrent({
  title: 'new title',
  title: 'old title',
}).log('Post successfully updated')

Automatic logging

You can create toLog method inside the model in that case it will be automatically called

import { MorphMap } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

export default class Post extends BaseModel {
  // attributes
    return {
      title: this.title,
      body: this.body,
      // and so on

// PostsController.ts

// toLogs will be called and it's value will be stored as currentState
const myLog = await activity()
  .on(post) // behind the scenes it will call post.toLog() and store it as currentState
  .log('Post successfully updated')

Specifying batch id (Group id)

Sometimes you may want to group logs, or you need a way to log multiple entries under current request. To do so you can use groupedBy method and specify batch id

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const batchId = uuid4();

const myLog1 = await activity().groupedBy(batchId).by(user).log('Log 1')
const myLog2 = await activity().groupedBy(batchId).by(user).log('Log 2')
// and so on

Full log example

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const batchId = uuid4();

const myLog = await activity()
    brand: 'Mercedes',
    color: 'black'
    brand: 'BMW',
    color: 'black'
  .log('New car added')
// and so on


Retrieving logs

To retrieve log simply use ActivityLog model and make lucid queries

import { ActivityLog } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const log = await ActivityLog.query().where('model_type', 'users').where('model_id',

Changes vs Diff

The package stores previous and current states of the model. You can retrieve changes by calling changes and diff methods, let's see an example

import { activity } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const myLog = await activity().by(user).making('update').on('post').havingCurrent({
  title: 'new title',
  description: 'new description',
  title: 'old title',
  description: 'old description',
}).log('Post successfully updated')

  title: {
    oldValue: 'old title',
    newValue: 'new title'
  description: {
    oldValue: 'old description',
    newValue: 'new description'
// { title: 'new title', description: 'new description' }

You can do same on the model instance

import { ActivityLog } from '@holoyan/adonisjs-activitylog'

const log = await ActivityLog.find(id)


In case you want to use activity inside the transaction then you can pass options directly to query method.

const trx = await db.transaction()

const a = await activity().queryOptions({ client: trx }).log('bla bla')
// you other code

await trx.commit()


npm run test

Version map

AdonisJS Lucid version Package version
v20.x 0.1.x
v21.x 0.2.x
