API of youtube sharing app. Built from NestJS 10.
Live mode: https://web-production-33daa.up.railway.app/docs username: admin password: admin
Client side live mode: https://web-youtube-sharing-app-production.up.railway.app Client side github: https://github.com/hoangchuongit/web-youtube-sharing-app
- User registration and login with JWT
- Sharing YouTube videos
- Real-time notifications for new video shares with Web socket
API docs using Swagger UI with a protected route.
Using Docker setup to run on local
Also include testing modules for all: controllers, services, repositories, entities, etc... You can try with the command below after setting the environment for the application:
yarn run test
- In additional, use Husky to manage git commits
API Youtube Sharing app uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework
- Node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Yarn - package manager that doubles down as project manager
- Visual Studio Code - Code editing.Redefined. Free. Built on open source. Runs everywhere.
- Docker - Accelerated Container Application Development
API Youtube Sharing app requires Node.js v20+ and to run. Recommended to use version 20.12 In addition, also need to install Yarn and Docker to develop the project.
After install node you can install global packages.
npm install -g @nestjs/cli yarn
After clone the project, please follow the steps to run it on your local:
Step 1: install the dependencies and devDependencies:
yarn install
Step 2: Run on local:
yarn docker:dev
The above command will create a new Container as image:
API we run on host: http://localhost:3001/docs
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
Database will run on the host: http://localhost:8002/
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
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