Provides endpoints to:
- Evaluate DMN configuration deployed in Camunda
- Correlate messages to Camunda that will either initiate or cancel Camunda BPMN processes
Since Spring Boot 2.1 bean overriding is disabled. If you want to enable it you will need to set spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding
to true
JUnit 5 is now enabled by default in the project. Please refrain from using JUnit4 and use the next generation
The project uses Gradle as a build tool. It already contains
wrapper script, so there's no need to install gradle.
To build the project execute the following command:
./gradlew build
- Check if all services are running in minikube, if not follow the README in
- Check if minikube IP is set as environment variable.
You should see the ip and port as output, eg: If you do not see, then from your wa-kube-enviroment map environment variables
source .env
You can either run as Java Application from run configurations or
./gradlew clean bootRun
In order to test if the application is up, you can call its health endpoint:
curl http://localhost:8099/health
You should get a response similar to this:
To run all functional tests or single test you can run as Junit, make sure the env is set
Note: Make sure the BPMN and DMN are deployed onto Camunda locally.
To run all tests including junit, integration and functional. You can run the command
./gradlew test integration functional
./gradlew tests
You can run contract or pact tests as follows:
./gradlew contract
You can then publish your pact tests locally by first running the pact docker-compose:
docker-compose -f docker-pactbroker-compose.yml up
and then using it to publish your tests:
./gradlew pactPublish
We use renovate to maintain dependencies via the renovate.json file. See the renovate documentation: Renovate schedule syntax using Later can be validated here:
We use stalebot to clear old PRs away using the github action. Docs:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details