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Library for common logging approach for java application


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Java logging

A Java module which standardises the logging for the reform projects.


User guide

The module provides a logback.xml configuration file which configures Logback to use a default reform format. It allows a number of configuration options to customize the logging to your needs.

Basic usage

Simply add base component as your project's dependency and then one or more of three components discussed below to use it.

Base component dependency, gradle:

implementation group: '', name: 'logging', version: '6.1.2'


Use for automatic configuration of Azure Application Insights for a Spring Boot project. Read more

Configuration defaults

By default the module will use a simple, human-friendly logging format which can be used out-of-the-box for development:

2017-02-02 12:22:23,647 INFO [main] io.dropwizard.assets.AssetsBundle: Registering AssetBundle with name: swagger-assets for path /swagger-static/*
2017-02-02 12:22:23,806 INFO [main] org.reflections.Reflections: Reflections took 96 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 79 keys and 87 values
2017-02-02 12:22:24,835 INFO [main] io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory: Registering jersey handler with root path prefix: /

Root logging level will be set to INFO. It can be adjusted by setting a ROOT_LOGGING_LEVEL environment variable.

Additional Logback configuration:

Additional Logback configuration can be provided by adding a logback-includes.xml file to the classpath root (just drop it in the main/resources folder). This allows to define any configuration allowed by Logback XML config, where a typical usage could be defining more specific loggers, e.g.:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <logger name="uk.goc.hmcts.reform" level="DEBUG"/>
  <logger name="uk.goc.hmcts.reform.resources" level="WARN"/>

Path to this file can adjusted by setting a LOGBACK_INCLUDES_FILE environment variable.

Logback can print additional information while processing its configuration files. This can be enabled by setting LOGBACK_CONFIGURATION_DEBUG variable to true.

Log pattern related configurations:

variable default
CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN %d{${LOGBACK_DATE_FORMAT}} %-5level [%thread] %logger{${LOGGER_LENGTH}}%ex{${EXCEPTION_LENGTH}} %msg%n}


  • LOGBACK_DATE_FORMAT: Date format is default logstash encoder date format. REQUIRE fields are flags representing show/hide feature.
  • EXCEPTION_LENGTH: how many lines to show in an exception stack trace ( per exception not including causes)
  • LOGGER_LENGTH: how long the logger name can be before logback starts abbreviating the package names

Development guide

Gradle wrapper will automatically download a project-local Gradle distribution the first time you run any of the gradlew commands below.

Tests and verification

To run all unit tests:

./gradlew test

To execute Checkstyle and PMD checks:

./gradlew check

You can also execute both via:

./gradlew build


To install the artifact to a local Maven repository:

./gradlew install


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