- Images list
- Background
- Sample use
- Troubleshooting
- Pulling base images
- Building images locally
- Building images for sandbox
- License
We recommend that you use the alpine image as it is smaller and most of the time has no vulnerabilities.
Tag | OS | NodeJS version |
hmctspublic.azurecr.io/base/node:20-alpine |
Alpine | LTS 20 |
hmctspublic.azurecr.io/base/node:20-bookworm-slim |
Debian bookworm | LTS 20 |
These images are based on nodeJS official ones using LTS versions, with the addition of a specific hmcts
user, used for consistent runtime parameters.
Here are the defaults properties you inherit from using those base images:
Directive | Default Values |
/opt/app , accessible as $WORKDIR as well |
["yarn", "start"] |
hmcts |
Nota Bene:
- These images are primarily aimed at application runtimes, nothing prevents the use of other intermediate images to build your projects.
- By default when the image is initially launched it will run under the context of the
user. However you may have to switch to theroot
user to install OS dependencies. - The distroless nodeJS base image has been ruled out as it is still pretty experimental
### base image ###
FROM hmctspublic.azurecr.io/base/node:20-alpine as base
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn install
### runtime image ###
FROM base as runtime
COPY . .
# make sure you use the hmcts user
USER hmcts
You can also leverage on alpine distributions to create smaller runtime images:
# ---- Dependencies image ----
FROM hmctspublic.azurecr.io/base/node:20-alpine as base
COPY --chown=hmcts:hmcts package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn install --production
# ---- Runtime image ----
FROM base as runtime
COPY . .
More complex example:
FROM hmctspublic.azurecr.io/base/node:20-alpine as base
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
FROM base as build
USER root
RUN apk add python2 make g++
USER hmcts
RUN yarn && npm rebuild node-sass
COPY . .
RUN yarn setup && rm -r node_modules/ && yarn install --production && rm -r ~/.cache/yarn
FROM base as runtime
COPY --from=build $WORKDIR ./
USER hmcts
Apk/apt packages installation requires the root
user so you may switch temporarily to this user. e.g.:
### build image (Debian) ###
FROM hmctspublic.azurecr.io/base/node:20-bookworm-slim as base
USER root
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install ...
USER hmcts
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
Depending on the post-installation steps, some script might need permissions on files owned by the root user. If this is the case, you can copy files from the host as hmcts
COPY --chown=hmcts:hmcts package.json yarn.lock .
$ make
This will generate the right tags so that you can use those images to build other nodejs-based projects by HMCTS.
Sandbox is as its named, a sandbox registry. Thus, the base images are not automatically pushed in the sandbox registry hmctssandbox
However you can still push them from your workstation using the following command:
$ make sandbox
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.