This is client side application for the BAR Application. The technologies used to develop and test this application are the following:
- Angular
- Karma - for Angular
- CodeceptJS - for e2e / functionality testing
- Mocha - for Express
- Chai - for Express
- Node.js >=18.13
- Angular CLI >= 17.3.7
- Yarn >= 7.0.3
To be able to run and use the application locally another app should be running which mocks idam endpoints. This is the To start the app on Linux/Mac run "make dev-start" and on windows "PORT=23443 npm run dev" it will start listen on port 23443. the idam.api_url should be set to http://localhost:23443 in default.yml.
api_url: http://localhost:23443
To be able to use fees-register locally you need to checkout, run and point to the mock application what can be found at To start the app on Linux/Mac run "make dev-start" and on windows "PORT=23443 npm run dev" it will start listen on port 23443. the fee.url should be set to http://localhost:23443 in default.yml.
url: http://localhost:23443
The same settings should be made on bar-app, so in the should contain this:
Once you have installed "Mock Idam authentication" application and have it running, please follow the following steps below:
- Clone this (bar-web) repository
- Run
- to install the modules in package.json - Run
yarn start:angular-dev
to start the Angular application - Run
yarn start:express-dev
to start the web server
- Run
gulp watch
to build and watch scss files inside src/assets/stylesheets The SCSS files (in the src/app folder) are automatically compiled into css files, so there would be no need for gulp to watch the files
Once you have created (or modified) the files in this repository, prior to committing, please run the following:
- Run
yarn lint
- to ensure your files follow the coding standards- If there are problems, you can run
yarn lint --fix
to correct the issues. It may not necessarily correct everything. (Some manual correction may be needed).
- If there are problems, you can run
- Run
yarn test:angular
- to test the Angular application - Run
yarn test:express
- to test the Express application - Run
yarn test:functional-local
- to run e2e tests - Run
yarn nsp
If you would like to build the application:
- Run
yarn build
- This will build the Angular application (production standard) and place the compiled files into the /dist folder. Express will serve the compiled Angular application from the dist folder.
- Sho Carter-Daniel
- Attila Kiss
- Ravi Kumar
- Sachi Kuppuswami
- Jalal Ul Deen