This site was generated by, v0.2.75.
Stackbit Azimuth Theme original README is located here.
The content of this site is managed by NetlifyCMS. Visit https://{yoursite-domain}/admin to manage site content.
Install a full Ruby development environment
Install Jekyll and Bundler
gem install jekyll bundler
Install dependencies from Gemfile:
bundle install
get "stackbit-api-key" from project menu in Stackbit dashboard
run the following command to assign this key to
environment variable:export STACKBIT_API_KEY={stackbit_netlify_api_key}
run the following command to fetch additional site contents from Stackbit if needed:
npx @stackbit/stackbit-pull --stackbit-pull-api-url=
Build the site and make it available on a local server
bundle exec jekyll serve
Browse to http://localhost:4000