A WordPress CLI. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug WordPress.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in the releases page
These instructions are intented for Unix, Linux, Mac OSX system, use sudo if you get permissions errors
curl https://weknowinc.com/wp-console/installer -L -o wordpress.phar
mv wordpress.phar /usr/local/bin/wordpress
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wordpress
- about Display basic information about Wordpres Console project
- chain Chain command execution
- exec Execute an external command.
- help Displays help for a command
- init Copy configuration files.
- list Lists all available commands
- cache:flush (cf) Flush the Wordpress object cache
- container:debug (cod) Displays current services for an application..
- create:users (cu) Create dummy users for your WordPress application.
- create:roles (crr) Create dummy roles for your Wordpress application.
- debug:chain (dc) List available chain files.
- debug:container (dco) Displays current services for an application.
- debug:multisite (dm) List all sites in network available to a specific user
- debug:plugin (dp) Display current plugins available for application
- debug:roles (dusr) Displays current roles for the application
- debug:shortcode (ds) Displays current shortcodes in your WordPress application.
- debug:theme (dt) Display current themes available for application
- generate:command (gc) Generate commands for the console.
- generate:cron:job:event Generate a schedule cron job event.
- generate:menu (gm) Generate a menu.
- generate:metabox (gm) Generate a meta box.
- generate:plugin (gp) Generate a plugin.
- generate:post:type (gpt) Generate a custom post type.
- generate:quicktag (gqt) Generate a quicktag.
- generate:register:style (grs) Generate a register style.
- generate:shortcode (gs) Generate a shortcode.
- generate:sidebar (gsb) Generate a sidebar.
- generate:taxonomy (gta) Generate a custom taxonomy.
- generate:theme (gth) Generate a theme.
- generate:toolbar (gtb) Generate a toolbar.
- generate:user:contactmethods (gucm) Generate a User contact methods.
- generate:widget (gwd) Generate a widgets.
- multisite:install (mi) Install a Wordpress multisite network
- multisite:new (mn) Add New Site a Wordpress multisite network
- plugin:activate (pa) Activate plugins or plugin in the application
- plugin:deactivate (pd) Deactivate plugins or plugin in the application
- site:install (si) Install a Wordpress project
- role:delete (rd) Delete roles for the application
- role:new (rn) Create roles for the application
- theme:activate (ta) Activate theme in the application
Fork your own copy of the WordPress Console repository to your account
Get a copy of your recently cloned version of console in your machine.
$ git clone [email protected]:[your-git-user-here]/wp-console.git
$ git remote add upstream [email protected]:weknowinc/wp-console.git
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/master
$ composer install.
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