- Get information on a film from the Letterboxd database along with average rating for the guild if any
- Follow guild members' diary entries and post updates in the channel set by the moderator
- Get random film from your watchlist
- Get information on a crew member (director, actor, etc.) from Imdb
- Get random film from a Letterboxd list
- See all the people in the guild who know a film, and the ratings they gave it
- Get a list of the highest rated or most popular films in the guild
- discord.py
- Python wrapper for Letterboxd API
- postgresql with asyncpg for storing users' Letterboxd IDs
- imdbpie, imdbpy and wikipedia for crew information
- BeautifulSoup for scraping user ratings
- MongoDB for storing the user ratings, inspired by Sam Learner
- fuzzywuzzy for list matching
- markdownify
Feedparser for tracking diary activity using RSS
- Later switched to its async version feedparser-data
- Currently using the Letterboxd API
- Later switched to its async version feedparser-data
aiosqlite for storing boxd IDs