cricbuzzToSMS is a program that scrapes live match details from CricBuzz using Selenium and sends it as an SMS using Fast2SMS API
- Use the package manager pip to install selenium.
pip install selenium
Install the firefox geckodriver. You can follow this guide for installation on Linux. Guides for Windows and Mac are available on the internet.
Clone the repo on your computer
- Create an account on Fast2SMS.
- In DEV API section, copy the API Key. Example API key is :
#Note: This key is an example key only. It will not work when trying to run the code.
- Open and paste the API Key. Example
API_KEY = 'weBQKBrtZzLnD2ZUEnUYJIO40zZGnjgZm3BA1SAUd0qZ56gHm0k3X45DWR9c'
- Add the numbers you want to send the SMS to. Example:
'numbers': '9999999999, 7777777777, 6666666666'
- To only run the scrapper: Run . This will print the scores on the terminal.
- To run scrapper + send SMS: Run
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.