The Tiny Three-Pass Compiler is a simple, educational compiler for a small programming language, targeting a small assembly language. It demonstrates a three-pass compilation process including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation.
A function which computes a^2 + b^2 might look like:
[ a b ] a*a + b*b
A function which computes the average of two numbers might look like:
[ first second ] (first + second) / 2
Variables are strings of alphabetic characters. Numbers are strings of decimal digits representing integers.
Ensure you have the following software installed before proceeding:
Java JDK 8 or higher: Necessary to run Java applications.
Gradle: Used for building and running the compiler.
1. Clone the Repository: Clone the project to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
2. Navigate to the Project Directory: Change into the project directory:
cd tiny-three-phase-compiler
3. Build the Project: Compile the project using Gradle:
gradle build
Run the compiler through your command line interface:
java -cp app/build/classes/java/main App
The compiler supports a simple language with the following syntax:
function ::= '[' arg-list ']' expression
arg-list ::= /* nothing */
| variable arg-list
expression ::= term
| expression '+' term
| expression '-' term
term ::= factor
| term '*' factor
| term '/' factor
factor ::= number
| variable
| '(' expression ')'
Pass 1: Generating the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
Converts the source code into an AST.
Pass 2: Constant Expression Reduction
Optimizes the AST by folding constant expressions wherever possible.
Pass 3: Code Generation
Converts the optimized AST into an array of assembly instructions compatible with a simple simulated processor.
The compiler includes a simple simulator for the target machine with two registers (R0 and R1), a stack, and an array of input arguments which interprets the assembly instructions. The simulator supports basic operations such as load, store, arithmetic operations, and stack management.
Supported Instructions
IM n - Load the constant value n into R0
AR n - Load the nth input argument into R0
SW - Swap R0 and R1
PU - Push R0 onto the stack
PO - Pop the top value off of the stack into R0
AD - Add R1 to R0
SU - Subtract R1 from R0
MU - Multiply R0 by R1
DI - Divide R0 by R1