Refined data analyses for single-cell bisulfite-based sequencing in DNA methylation researches, including
- Empirical Bayesian Methylation Caller (EBMC): Determinate discrete methyation status for each cytosine
- BS-SNV-Caller: SNV calling with bisuifite-converted sequencing data
- Biologically consistent ASM CpG (BCA CpG) caller: consistent allele-specific methylation (ASM) among a group of samples (cells), rather than occuring in individual cells occasionally
Determinate discrete methyation status for each cytosine from C/T read counts. The methylation state of a cytosine is discrete: methylated (1), unmethylated (0), and hemimethyalted (0.5). EBMC gives the predicted state with corresponding posterior probability.
process CG and nonCG sites seperately
zcat ./data/sample.CGmap.gz | cut -f 7,8 | Rscript ./source/EBMC.R --output ./output/sample.prob --summary ./output/sample.methycall --CG TRUE
param | description |
--CG | boolean, TRUE or FALSE, CG site or not |
--prior | prior probabilities, defaults: (0.59, 0.4, 0.01) for CG and (0.01, 0.98, 0.01) for nonCG |
--error_rate | prior rate of C/T mis-detction, default: 0.01 |
--Poisson_approx | threshold of depth the Poisson approximation applied, default: 20 |
--rounds | rounds of iteration, default: 2 |
file for a sample/cell:
./data/sample.CGmap.gz, returned by baseeker2/3
or cgmaptools
probability file with same #rows of input: two columns
column | discription |
1 | predicted methylation state with maximum posterior probability |
2 | posterior probability of the predicted state |
0 0.99911
0 0.990017
0 0.996467
0 0.996467
1 0.99932
0.5 0.800168
0.5 0.800168
0 0.999775
0 0.999775
0 0.996467
0 0.990017
1 0.999995
1 0.999995
summary file
var | description |
Rows | number of input rows/sites |
methylated(1) | proportion of methylated cytosines |
unmethylated(0) | proportion of unmethylated cytosines |
epi-heterozygous(0.5) | proportion of hemimethylated cytosines |
error rate of measurement (0->1 or 1->0) | error rate of unexpected reads, errors due to libraray construction, sequencing, alignment etc. |
Rows: 10000
methylated(1): 0.188000
unmethylated(0): 0.807900
epi-heterozygous(0.5): 0.004100
error rate of measurement (0->1 or 1->0): 0.002497
SNV calling with bisuifite-converted sequencing data
zcat ./data/sample.ATCGmap.gz | awk '$6+$7+$8+$9+$11+$12+$13+$14>=10' | Rscript ./source/BS-SNV-Caller.R | gzip > ./output/sample.bssnv.gz
tune the parameters in the code
# mutation rate
pm = 1/1000/3
# error rate
# in GV oocyte (2n 4c) samples, error rate is set larger
# pe = 1/100/3
pe = 3/100/3
# total mis rate
p = pm + pe
# methylation rate/proportion = 0.6 # CG context
pr.ncg = 1/100 # non-CG context
file, returned by bsseeker2/3
or cgmaptools
13 columns, no header line
column | description |
1-5 | chromosome, reference base, position, CG/CHG/CHH, dinucleoties. They are same with first 5 columns of .ATCG file |
6 | p-value testing SNV (different from reference) which means the posterior probability of reference base, the smaller, the more likely to be a SNV, homozygous or heterzygous |
7-10 | estimated allele frequencies of A,T,C, and G respectively |
11-12 | coverage depths of Watson and Crick strands |
13 | probability of homozygote |
1 C 1550 CHG CT 9.79052e-01 7.46622e-07 1.05278e-02 9.89471e-01 7.46622e-07 14 0 0.97916
1 T 1551 -- -- 9.78959e-01 7.46623e-07 9.89423e-01 1.05750e-02 7.46623e-07 14 0 0.97907
1 G 1552 CHG CA 9.99995e-01 7.55074e-07 7.55074e-07 7.55074e-07 9.99998e-01 14 0 1.00000
1 C 1553 CHG CT 9.79052e-01 7.46622e-07 1.05278e-02 9.89471e-01 7.46622e-07 14 0 0.97916
1 T 1554 -- -- 2.13408e-24 3.49345e-05 6.55191e-03 3.49345e-05 9.93378e-01 14 0 0.98676
1 G 1555 CHG CA 9.99995e-01 7.55074e-07 7.55074e-07 7.55074e-07 9.99998e-01 14 0 1.00000
1 C 1556 CHH CT 9.79052e-01 7.46622e-07 1.05278e-02 9.89471e-01 7.46622e-07 14 0 0.97916
1 T 1557 -- -- 9.78959e-01 7.46623e-07 9.89423e-01 1.05750e-02 7.46623e-07 14 0 0.97907
1 C 1558 CHH CT 9.79052e-01 7.46622e-07 1.05278e-02 9.89471e-01 7.46622e-07 14 0 0.97916
1 T 1559 -- -- 9.78959e-01 7.46623e-07 9.89423e-01 1.05750e-02 7.46623e-07 14 0 0.97907
Call BCA allele-specific methylation (ASM) among a group of cells upon the ASM analysis in each single cells. The BCA ASM is ASM consistent among a group of samples (cells). The p-value is evaluated under the null hypothesis that ASM CpGs are distributed randomly in the whole genome and independently among cells.
source ./source/BCA-ASM-Caller.R
SNV file: ./data/snv-10K-merge.simple.gz
a merged file containing detected SNV sites in each samples, four columns of chromosome, reference base, postion, and sample. no header line
1 T 1554 AF1_12
1 C 15023 AF1_12
1 G 15088 AF1_12
1 G 15091 AF1_12
1 T 15103 AF1_12
ASM file: ./data/methpipe-10K-merge.asm.gz
a merged file containing detected ASM CpGs in each cells, 12 columns of 'chr', 'pos', 'strand', 'CpG', 'p_value', 'dp', 'MM', 'MU', 'UM', 'UU', and 'sample'. no header line. The first 11 clomuns are returned by methpipe::allelicmeth
1 23736 + CpG 1 11 11 0 0 0 AF1_12
1 50772 + CpG 1 13 0 0 0 13 AF1_12
1 50809 + CpG 1 13 0 0 0 13 AF1_12
1 69991 + CpG 1 12 0 0 0 12 AF1_12
1 99975 + CpG 1 16 16 0 0 0 AF1_12
1 100868 + CpG 1 16 16 0 0 0 AF1_12
variable | description |
chr | chromosome |
pos | position |
count.cov | count of cells with this CpG effectively covered |
count.asm | count of cells indicating ASM in this CpG |
chi.sq | Chi-square ( |
p.chisq |
p-value of |
lambda | lambda ( |
p.pois | p-value of Poisson test, major method |
chr pos count.cov count.asm count.snv chi.sq p.chisq lambda p.pois
16 8868 48 47 2 NA NA 26.758615249594396 4.508674530477948e-4
16 9276 49 47 4 Inf 0 26.067905464137255 8.393246565554962e-4
16 9284 50 47 0 Inf 0 29.110167311050276 8.200382170259079e-4
16 9507 50 47 1 Inf 0 28.493378989882395 9.142007577857896e-4
8 1661 48 47 0 Inf 0 28.361876688204955 4.803623038606877e-4
- Yuan X, Chen N, Feng Y, et al. Single-cell multi-omics profiling reveals key regulatory mechanisms that poise germinal vesicle oocytes for maturation in pigs. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2023;80(8):222. Published 2023 Jul 22. doi:10.1007/s00018-023-04873-x