Ghidra Loaders, FileSystems, and Processors for various retrocomputing platforms.
- Apple II file loader that works with Binary II, DOS 3, ProDOS FileSystems
- Apple II NAPS (NuLib2 Attribute Preservation String) loader
- Apple Lisa object file loader
- Atari 2600 .a26/.bin cartridge file loader - only 2K and 4K are possible
- Atari 8-bit .XEX file loader
- Atari ST executable file loader
- Classic 680x0 Mac application loader
- Commodore 64 .CRT cartridge loader - loads straightforward cartridges
- Commodore Disk File loader - understands .PRG files from .D80 disk images
- Commodore VIC-20 .PRG cartridge loader - not other types of .PRG
- Exidy Sorcerer .SNP snapshot loader
- KC 85 .kcc file loader
- RISC OS AIF (Arm Image Format) loader
- Sharp X68000 .X executable file loader
- Sinclair QL executable file loader
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum .SNA snapshot loader - 48K snapshots
- Tandy TRS-80 Model I/III /CMD command file loader
- Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer .CCC cartridge loader - 2K, 4K, and 8K
- Tandy TRS-80 Model 100 .co file loader
- Tandy TRS-80 Model 100 RLC file loader
- Texas Instruments Z80 calculator TI83F .8xp file loader
- TI-99/4A .bin file loader
- TI-99/4A FIAD (V9T9) file loader
- TI-99/4A .rpk cartridge loader
- TI-99/4A TIFILES (XMODEM) file loader
- Apple II Binary II file system
- Apple II DOS 3.3 disk images in .do or .po sector order
- Apple II Pascal disk images in .do sector order (no .po order yet)
- Apple II ProDOS disk images in .do or .po sector order
- Commodore D80 disk image file system
- Agon Light MOS .bin loader - identifies but does not load yet
- Amstrad CPC .SNA snapshot format loader - some 64K snapshots might be usable
- Commodore 64 X00 format (P00, R00, S00, U00, etc)
- Commodore Amiga: "Hunk" executable and object file loader - identifies but does not load yet
- CP/M .CMD command file loader
- Neo Geo .neo file loader - identifies but does not load yet
- Sharp X68000 .Z executable format - identifies but does not load yet
- Sinclair QL Zip file system that handles the QDOS headers in zip extra fields
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum PZX tape image loader - identifies but does not load yet
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum TAP tape image loader - identifies but does not load yet
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum TZX tape image loader - identifies but does not load yet
- Spectrum Next .nex file loader - identifies but does not load yet
- TI-99/4A .ctg cartridge format - identifies but does not load yet
- TK2000/Microprofessor II: .ct2 tape format - identifies but does not load yet
- Apple II CP/M disk images in .do sector order
- BinHex 4.0
- CP/M (just as KC 85 et al use it for now)
- Teledisk disk image format (just as KC 85 et al use it for now)
- TI-99/4A GPL bytecode disassembler
- Submitted a PR allowing FileSystems to pass filetype info to the filesystem browser, which works on filename extensions by default.
- Sharp X68000: .R executable format
- Sinclair QL: SROFF object file format
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum: .SNA snapshot format - 128K variant
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum: More snapshot and emulator formats
- Commodore 64 disk image format
- Sinclair Spectrum: .DSK +3DOS disk image format
- Sinclair Spectrum: .SCL disk format
- Sinclair Spectrum: .TRD Beta Disk TR-DOS disk iamge format
- Tandy Coco disk formats
- Tandy TRS-80 Model I/III: .DMK disk image format
- Tandy TRS-80 Model I/III: .JV1 disk image format
- Tandy TRS-80 Model I/III: .JV3 disk image format
- TI-99/4A: .ark Archiver format
- Acorn: UEF (Unified Emulator Format) for BBC Micro and Electron
- Apple II Pascal P-code disassembler
- Apple IIgs
- Apple Newton
- Atari 8-bit cartridge, disk, and tape formats
- Atari ST DRI .o object and/or library file format
- ALN_RN_1-24-1990.pdf page 7
- Atari ST GST .bin object and/or library file format
- Atari ST Lattice .O object and/or library file format
- BeOS (Ghidra natively supports PEF)
- Camputers Lynx
- Coleco Adam
- Commodore PET and SuperPET
- CP/M .REL file loader
- CP/M .SPR file loader
- CP/M Plus and MP/M .PRL relocatable binary file loader
- Dragon 32/64
- Jupiter Ace
- KC 87
- Memotech MTX 512
- NeXT
- Oric
- Palm Pilot
- Philips CD-i
- OS-9/68000
- Panasonic 3DO
- RISC OS AOF (ARM Object Format) and ALF (Acorn Library Format)
- SAM Coupé
- Sinclair ZX81
- Tandy Coco: .cas tape images
- Thomson MO, TO
- TI-89, TI-92
- Timex Sinclair
- Xerox Alto, Star