Pull all contents of this repository and save on an empty USB-drive. To download, click the green "Code"-button in the top right hand corner of hiof/hwid - then click "Download ZIP". Extract the contents of the zip archive to a USB-drive.
Start the device you want to fetch the HWID from.
When the Windows-setup screen appears, press the key-combination Fn + Shift + F10 to open a CMD-window.
Enter the following command:
powershell D:\Get-HWID.ps1
Wait until "HWID saved!" is logged to the console.
Shut down the PC
shutdown /s /t 0
The HWID-file will be saved as serialnumber.csv to a folder named "HWID" on the USB-drive.
Open a CMD-window as administrator.
Enter the following command:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass D:\Get-HWID.ps1
Wait until "HWID saved!" is logged to the console.
Eject the USB-drive
To import multiple HWIDs to Intune, you will need to combine the csv-files before importing.
Open a "Run"-window (Win+R)
Enter the following command:
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command "D:\HWID-merger.ps1"
Enter the path to the HWID folder on your USB-drive when prompted.
Wait until "HWIDs combined!" is logged to the console.
Upload the "Autopilot-HWID.csv" file located under "HWID" on the USB-drive to Intune.
In the examples here, "D:" is the letter for the USB-drive. This may vary if you have multiple USB storage devices or multiple partitions attached.