Himanshu Singh is a final year Computer Science & Engineering student studying in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur campus.
He has immense experience in cross platform mobile app development using Flutter SDK, expertise in SQLite and back-end service integration using Firebase (including firestore, firebase Auth based on OAuth, cloud messaging, hosting, firebase storage, adminSDK using python).
He uses LAMP stack for creating things that live on the web.
He is actively involved in hardware programming and prototyping using Arduino (C++) and Raspberry Pi (Python).
He uses git for version management of his projects and regularly contributes to the open source community via github. He regularly participates in open source based events such as Hacktoberfest to return to the community by adding more value to other's open source projects by contributing and collaborating.
He practices competitive programming using C/C++ to enhance his problem solving skills
Learning about new technologies and algorithms and using them in his applications helps him with the development of problem solving techniques and to broaden his skill set.
He loves playing badminton and has avid interest in bird photography. Feel Free to connect!