My very first full-stack web site built with MERN technologies.
Quizie is a platform where you can take multiple-choice quizes about different subjects. This platform is based on The Trivia quiz API. The Quize users should register first, if they don't already have an account; they can either do so using their email address and a custom password or their Google or Facebook accounts. In case a user already has an account, he/she can easily sign in using their email and password or their Google or Facebook accounts. A user can choose the category (quiz subject), the difficulty level and the number of questions. The Quizie users can also observe their records including the number of correct answers from the total and the percentage of correctness of answers for all categories.
- Source code URL: Quizie on Github
- Live Site URL: Quizie on Render
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Sass(SCSS)
- JavaScript
- React - JS library
- Redux - State Management Library
- Redux Toolkit
- Node JS
- Express JS - JS Framework
- MongoDB - NoSQL database
- Tested with Chrome redux-devtools-extension The backend and the fronend are connected via REST API using Axios library
- Website - Hikmatullah Mohammadi
- LinkedIn - @hikmatullah-mohammadi
- Github - hikmatullah-mohammadi
Grateful to all who are in the mission of teaching people how to program...