This repo contains Activity automated test cases written in Cypress.
To setup the test env clone the repo and then install Cypress plus other node module using the below command.
$ npm install
The tests can be executed using the Test Runner To starte the Test Runner runn the following command
$ npx cypress open
This command open Cypress and you can run a specific test or all the test. To run the test headlessly run the follpwing command.
$ npx cypress run
NB: After the test complete a video recording of the test is generated in the videos
The envirom variables file cypress.env.json
has not been commited. You can create the following variable store in this file
"un_qa_org": "", # username for a user with django admin access
"pw_qa_org": "", # password for a user with django admin access
"api_key_mailslurp": "", # [Mailslurp]( api key
"mailslurp_inbox": "" # Mailslurp inbox id