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Adding Support for [StaticAccess] Attribute (#5)
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- Created the attribute that users can add to access this system
- Added option to disable this feature using defines
- Added code for automatic code generation
- Added option to pause static access generation
- Added info about [StaticAccess] to readme
  • Loading branch information
sliptrixx authored Aug 13, 2023
1 parent 6f406ad commit 845c21e
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Showing 7 changed files with 417 additions and 5 deletions.
23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion Editor/DefineRegistrant.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,22 +13,43 @@ namespace Hibzz.Singletons.Editor
/// </summary>
internal class DefineRegistrant
const string Category = "Hibzz.Singletons";

static DefineRegistrationData RegisterDisableScriptableObjectCreator()
DefineRegistrationData data = new DefineRegistrationData();

data.DisplayName = "Disable Scriptable Singleton Creator";
data.Category = "Hibzz.Singletons";
data.Category = Category;
data.EnableByDefault = false;
data.Description = "The scriptable singleton creator functionality " +
"lets users mark any ScriptableSingleton class with an attribute " +
"called `CreateScriptableSingletonAsset`. When the user presses " +
"the \"Create Scriptable Singleton Assets\" button, the system " +
"will create any missing assets for those singletons in the " +
"\"Resources/Singletons\" folder. \n\n" +
"Installing this define will disable this feature.";

return data;

static DefineRegistrationData RegisterDisablePublicStaticAccessor()
DefineRegistrationData data = new DefineRegistrationData();

data.DisplayName = "Disable Public Static Accessor";
data.Category = Category;
data.EnableByDefault = false;
data.Description = "The singletons package offers a system to " +
"automatically generate public static accessors for items " +
"inside a partial singleton class when marked with a " +
"[StaticAccess] attribute. This is done using dynamic code " +
"generation.\n\n " +
"Installing this define will disable this feature.";

return data;
Expand Down
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions Editor/StaticAccess.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Hibzz.Singletons.Editor
public class StaticAccess : AssetPostprocessor
const string STATIC_ACCESS_PAUSE_KEY = "Hibzz/Singletons/Pause Automatic Code Generation";

// gets a notification after all asset has been imported
private static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets,
string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths)
// if the user wants to pause the automatic code generation of this system, dont proceed
if(Menu.GetChecked(STATIC_ACCESS_PAUSE_KEY)) { return; }

// flag that indicates if code has been generated
bool codeGenerated = false;

// generate code for each imported asset if it's valid
foreach (var importedAsset in importedAssets)
if (TryGenerateCode(importedAsset))
codeGenerated = true;

// reload assembly if code was generated (or removed)
if (codeGenerated)

/// <summary>
/// Tries to generate any singleton related code for the given asset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetPath">The path to the script asset to analyze and generate code for</param>
/// <returns>Was some code generated for the given asset?</returns>
private static bool TryGenerateCode(string assetPath)
// if the changed asset is not a script file, we don't care
if (!assetPath.EndsWith(".cs")) { return false; }

// Issue: For now this is okay, but in the future this decision will cause issues,
// for example what happens the user generates a singleton script that has the static
// access attribute in it? The system will see that the file name contains the common
// convention of .generated.cs so it'll ignore it. Alternatively we generate files
// that end with .staticaccess.generated.cs but that's too long. We'll cross that
// bridge when the time comes, but just jotting this down so it's easier to understand
// the issue later.

// if the generated script file is a generated script file, we don't care either
if (assetPath.EndsWith(".generated.cs")) { return false; }

// load the asset from the given path as a monoscript
var monoScript = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MonoScript>(assetPath);
if (monoScript is null) { return false; }

// make sure that they one of the variants of the singleton classes provided
var classType = monoScript.GetClass();
if (classType is null) { return false; }
if (!classType.IsASingletonVariant()) { return false; }

// don't generate code for abstract classes
if (classType.IsAbstract) { return false; }

// whether we generate some new content or not, we are going to need the path to the
// expected generated asset... at the end of this process we either create a new one,
// or check and delete an existing one
string generatedAssetPath = assetPath;
generatedAssetPath = generatedAssetPath.Substring(0, generatedAssetPath.LastIndexOf(".cs"));
generatedAssetPath += ".generated.cs";

// Now we need to generate the script file
if (GetGeneratedCode(classType, out string code))
File.WriteAllText(generatedAssetPath, code);
// no code was generated, so remove any existing generated file
if(!File.Exists(generatedAssetPath)) { return false; }

return true;

/// <summary>
/// Get the generated code from the given type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="classType">The type to analyze</param>
/// <param name="code">The generated code as a string</param>
/// <returns>Was code generated as a string</returns>
private static bool GetGeneratedCode(Type classType, out string code)
bool wasCodeGenerated = false; // flag indicating whether some code was generated or not
string classContent = ""; // store what the contents of the class file is

// loop through all instanced members of the class and if it's members do contain the
// attribute [StaticAccess] then we make add a public static accessor for that member
var members = classType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
foreach (var member in members)
// early return if no [StaticAccess] attribute found
var staticAccessAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute<StaticAccessAttribute>();
if (staticAccessAttribute is null) { continue; }

// figure out the variable name
var variableName = staticAccessAttribute.VariableName;
if (variableName is null)
// since no specific variable name is given, it must be auto generated
variableName = member.Name;

// a naming scheme is specified in the attribute declaration, which requires an
// underscore for the auto generation to work
if (!variableName.Contains("_"))
Debug.LogWarning($"Skipped generating static accessor for {classType.Name}.{member.Name}: " +
$"The member name must contain some leading underscore for name to be autogenerated. " +
$"Please pass a string as a variable name to [StaticAccess(varname)] if you don't want " +
$"the name to be autogenerated.\n");


// remove anything before the first underscore and capitalize the first character
variableName = variableName.Substring(variableName.IndexOf('_') + 1);
variableName = char.ToUpper(variableName[0]) + variableName.Substring(1);

// based on the member type, the public accessor's syntax varies
if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
var fieldInfo = member as FieldInfo;
classContent += $"public static {fieldInfo.FieldType.FullName} {variableName} => Instance.{member.Name};\n";
else if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
var propertyInfo = member as PropertyInfo;
classContent += $"public static {propertyInfo.PropertyType.FullName} {variableName} => Instance.{member.Name};\n";
else if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method)
var methodInfo = member as MethodInfo;

// stores any formal/actual parameters
string formalParameters = "";
string actualParameters = "";

// decipher what the formal and actual parameters of this function are (if any)
var parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters();
foreach(var parameter in parameters)
formalParameters += $"{parameter.ParameterType} {parameter.Name}, ";
actualParameters += $"{parameter.Name}, ";

// remove the trailing comma character from the parameters
if(parameters.Length > 0)
formalParameters = formalParameters.Substring(0, formalParameters.LastIndexOf(','));
actualParameters = actualParameters.Substring(0, actualParameters.LastIndexOf(','));

// string that all together
classContent += $"public static {methodInfo.ReturnType.FullName} {variableName}({formalParameters}) => Instance.{member.Name}({actualParameters});\n";

// update the flag letting the system know that some valid code was indeed generated
wasCodeGenerated = true;

// when no code was generated, either because there were no [StaticAccess] attributes
// or the user wanted to have an autogenerated variable name without a leading
// underscore, we want to perform an early exit
code = "";
return false;

// stores the generated code for just the class
string classCode = "";

// classes can either be public or internal, and if there's no access modifier present,
// it'll be considered to be internal
if (classType.IsPublic)
classCode += "public ";

// add the class defenition
classCode += $"partial class {classType.Name} : {classType.GetSingletonBaseName()} \n" +
"{ \n" +
$"{classContent}" +
"} \n" ;

// the overall code that's generated needs to be put together
code = "// this code is automatically generated by the Hibzz.Singletons package\n\n";
code += "using Hibzz.Singletons;\n\n";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(classType.Namespace))
code += $"namespace {classType.Namespace} \n" +
"{ \n" +
$"{classCode}" +
"} \n";
code += classCode;

return true; // code was indeed generated

private static void OnStaticAccessPauseMenuPressed()
// this should toggle the Automatic Code Generation

internal static class TypeExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Alternative version of <see cref="Type.IsSubclassOf"/> that supports raw generic types (generic types without
/// any type parameters).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="baseType">The base type class for which the check is made.</param>
/// <param name="toCheck">To type to determine for whether it derives from <paramref name="baseType"/>.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Credits to Denis Doomen (
/// </remarks>
public static bool IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(this Type toCheck, Type baseType)
while (toCheck != typeof(object))
Type cur = toCheck.IsGenericType ? toCheck.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : toCheck;
if (baseType == cur)
return true;

toCheck = toCheck.BaseType;

return false;

/// <summary>
/// Get the base type as a string for a singleton class
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of a class that inherits one of the singleton variants</param>
/// <returns>A string representation of the base type of the singleton class</returns>
public static string GetSingletonBaseName(this Type type)
// we are working with the generic base type

// when we get the name of a generic base type, c# reflection systems would give us
// something of a compiled form... like Singleton`1 but that's not useful for code
// generation

// This is not a general purpose function, it's internal and is very specific to
// singletons package... Although it's possible to inherit a class that inherits the
// Singleton base class, it's not practical. None of the current class member can be
// accessed using the instance property

// So, we are cutting corners and creating something very specific for the singletons
// package that follows the pattern of base<SameType>

// Issue: When in the future we decide to fix the inheritance issue (if it can be fixed),
// we need to revisit this function to be general purpose

string generic_base = type.BaseType.Name;
generic_base = generic_base.Substring(0, generic_base.IndexOf('`'));

return $"{generic_base}<{type.Name}>";

/// <summary>
/// check if the given type is on off the singleton variants
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The type to check</param>
/// <returns>Is the given type on off the variants of the singleton</returns>
public static bool IsASingletonVariant(this Type type)
if (type.IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(typeof(Singleton<>))) { return true; }
if (type.IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(typeof(ScriptableSingleton<>))) { return true; }

return false;

11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Editor/StaticAccess.cs.meta

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

23 changes: 20 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,14 +36,31 @@ Debug.Log($"Number of Live NPC's in scene: {_currentNPCCount}");

### Scriptable Singletons
This package includes support for `ScriptableSingleton`s.
This package includes support for `ScriptableSingleton`s. These are Singletons that exists as a ScriptableObject asset in the Resources folder. This allows a Scriptable Singleton to be accessed from anywhere in the project without having to be in the scene.

Scriptable Singleton objects can be automatically created when the class is tagged with the `CreateScriptableSingletonAsset` attribute and the "Create Scriptable Singleton Asset" menu item is selected from the "Hibzz/Singletons" menu.
Moreover, these objects can be automatically created when the class is tagged with the `[CreateScriptableSingletonAsset]` attribute and the "Create Scriptable Singleton Asset" menu item is selected from the "Hibzz/Singletons" menu.


### [StaticAccess] Attribute
The Singletons package comes with a powerful tool for accessing instanced members of a Singleton class without the `Instance` field. This is done by tagging the member with a `[StaticAccess]` attribute.

// defining the singleton
public partial class AIManager : Singleton<AIManager>
[StaticAccess] int _liveNPCCount;

// Accessing the member
var npcCount = AIManager.LiveNPCCount;


Learn more about this package in the [documentation](

## Have a question or want to contribute?
If you have any questions or want to contribute, feel free to join the [Discord server]( or [Twitter]( I'm always looking for feedback and ways to improve this tool. Thanks!

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