- Gnome 3.28 (stable)
- Does not need the Gnome 3.26 overlay
- All ebuilds are keyworded amd64
- Only contains dependencies for and tested with USE="-wayland"
- Updated games not (yet) included
- Portions taken from the Heather Gnome overlay
- ebuilds derived from the 3.22/24 official Gentoo portage ebuilds
Create a /etc/portage/repos.conf/Gnome-3.28-X.conf
file containing
location = /usr/local/portage/Gnome-3-28-X
sync-type = git
sync-uri = https://github.com/hhfeuer/Gentoo-Gnome-3.28-X.git
Then run emerge --sync
Add via layman:
layman -o https://raw.github.com/hhfeuer/Gentoo-Gnome-3.28-X/master/repositories.xml -f -a Gnome-3-28-X
Then run layman -s Gnome-3-28-X
As of Version 3.28, nautilus has dropped support for Desktop Icons. To get them back either use package.mask
to stay on nautilus-3.26.x or use the experimental gnome-shell plugin at:
Another possiblity would be using nemo from the Cinnamon desktop which is a natilus fork.
gnome-tweak-tool has been renamed to gnome-tweaks, so the ebuild contains a block. You will have to unmerge gnome-tweak-tool prior to upgrading.
needs package.unmask:
needs package.keywords/accept_keywords:
=media-libs/gegl-0.3.34 ~amd64
=media-libs/babl-0.1.46 ~amd64
=sys-power/upower-0.99.7 ~amd64
=dev-lang/spidermonkey-52.9.1_pre1 ~amd64
=sys-fs/udisks-2.8.0 ~amd64
=sys-auth/polkit-0.115-r1 ~amd64
=sys-libs/libblockdev-2.19 ~amd64
=media-plugins/grilo-plugins-0.3.5 ~amd64
needs package.use:
dev-libs/folks -tracker
>=x11-libs/gtksourceview-3.24.7 vala
>=net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-3.26.2 vala
depending on kernel config might need package.use:
sys-apps/bubblewrap suid
if portage is complaining about blocks concerning glib and gdbus-codegen, run first:
emerge -1 glib gdbus-codegen