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Pydoctest helps you verify that your docstrings match your function signatures. As a codebase evolves, you can some times forget to update the docstrings.
Install pydoctest with pip:
$ python3 -m pip install pydoctest
Navigate to your project location, and execute pydoctest
$ pydoctest
With no pydoctest.json configuration file, it will by default validate all *.py files in the current directory. See the configuration section for options. If you get errors with modules not being found, try placing the pydoctest.json differently or executing inside the package.
Pydoctest supports outputting results either as JSON
or Text
with different verbosity options. By default, Text
is returned. To specify the output, invoke with --reporter
$ pydoctest --reporter [json | text]
For Text-output, --verbosity
can be provided with a value of 0 (quiet), 1 (show failed) or 2 (show all).
$ pydoctest --reporter text --verbosity 1
Pydoctest can be configured with a config JSON file. By default, it will search for pydoctest.json
in the directory pydoctest is executed. A path can also be provided when executing:
$ pydoctest --config /path/to/pydoctest.json
Example pydoctest.json:
"include_paths": [ "server/*.py" ],
"fail_on_missing_docstring": true,
"parser": "google",
Docstring format can be specified with the --parser
$ pydoctest --parser google
Currently, only google, numpy and sphinx are supported.
Full list of arguments:
- "include_paths": [ List of strings ] # Pattern to search modules with.
- "verbosity": [ 0 | 1 | 2 ] # How much to print, 0 = quiet, 1 = show failed, 2 = show all
- "parser": [ "google" (default) | "sphinx" | "numpy" ] # Docstring format to use. Please raise an issue if you need other formats implemented.
- "fail_on_missing_docstring": [ true | false (default) ] # Mark a function as failed, if it does not have a docstring
- "fail_on_missing_summary": [ true | false (default) ] # Mark a function as failed, if it does have a docstring, but no summary.
- "fail_on_raises_section": [ true (default) | false ] # Mark a function as failed, if docstring doesn't mention raised exceptions correctly.
def func_type_mismatch(self, a: int) -> int:
a (float): [description] <-- float is not int
int: [description]
# / FAIL | Argument type differ. Argument 'a' was expected (from signature) to have type '<class 'int'>', but has (in docs) type '<class 'float'>'
Tested 1 function(s) across 1 module(s).
Succeeded: 0, Failed: 1, Skipped: 0
Currently pydoctest
is supported by vscode
Pydoctest is licensed under the terms of the MIT License (see the LICENSE file).