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Konstantin Androsov edited this page Oct 11, 2020 · 4 revisions

Cache production v6 instructions


  1. Prepare to run in Pisa grid environment

    export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc820
    export VO_CMS_SW_DIR=/cvmfs/
    source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/
    export PATH=$PATH:/home/users/androsov/soft/cmake/3.17.1/bin
    export PATH=$(echo -n $PATH | awk -v RS=: '!($0 in a) {a[$0]; printf("%s%s", length(a) > 1 ? ":" : "", $0)}')
  2. Connect to fai machine using CentOS7 image:

    bsub -Is -n 4 -q fai -a docker-cs7 /bin/zsh
  3. Install framework

    curl -s | bash -s ana
  4. Compile CacheTupleProducer and CacheMerger

    cd CMSSW_11_1_0_pre6/src
    ./ --make CacheTupleProducer
    ./ --make CacheMerger

Submit jobs

The following command line should be used to submit and control jobs:

UNC=XXX; YEAR=XXX; VER=6; python -u ./h-tautau/Instruments/python/ --input /gpfs/ddn/cms/user/androsov/store/cms-it-hh-bbtautau/Tuples${YEAR}_v$VER/Full --output output/Tuples${YEAR}_v$VER/$UNC --central-output /gpfs/ddn/cms/user/androsov/store/cms-it-hh-bbtautau/Tuples${YEAR}_v$VER/Cache/$UNC --pattern '.*\.root' --unc-sources $UNC --period Run${YEAR} --queue cms --data-file-pattern '.*Run201[678][A-H].*' --long-jobs /gpfs/ddn/cms/user/androsov/store/cms-it-hh-bbtautau/Tuples${YEAR}_v$VER/Cache/long_jobs.txt 2>&1 | tee status_${YEAR}_v${VER}_${UNC}_$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H%M").log

where UNC and YEAR values should be changing accordingly.

Long jobs

For the first UNC run of the given year, long_jobs.txt file should be created manually. The recommended job duration is around 6 hours.

For the consecutive iterations, the execution time statistics collected during the previous round can be used to automatically create long_jobs.txt:

UNC=XXX; YEAR=XXX; VER=6; ./h-tautau/Instruments/python/ /gpfs/ddn/cms/user/androsov/store/cms-it-hh-bbtautau/Tuples${YEAR}_v${VER}/Cache/${UNC}/ > job_summary.csv
./h-tautau/Instruments/python/ --input job_summary.csv --max-exe-time 6 > long_jobs.txt

Failed jobs

Once the reason that caused jobs to fail is understood and fixed, the output directories of the failed jobs should be removed using the information from the last status long:

UNC=XXX; YEAR=XXX; VER=6; LOG_FILE=$(ls -t status_${YEAR}_v${VER}_${UNC}_*.log | head -1); cat $LOG_FILE | grep -E ': failed' | sed -E 's/^(.*)_(eTau|muTau|tauTau)(|.*):.*/\2\/\1\3/' | xargs -n 1 -I JOB rm -r output/Tuples${YEAR}_v${VER}/$UNC/JOB

Uncertainty variations

  1. None
  2. TauES
  3. JetReduced_Total
  4. EleFakingTauES
  5. MuFakingTauES
  6. JetReduced_Absolute
  7. JetReduced_Absolute_year
  8. JetReduced_BBEC1
  9. JetReduced_BBEC1_year
  10. JetReduced_EC2
  11. JetReduced_EC2_year
  12. JetReduced_FlavorQCD
  13. JetReduced_HF
  14. JetReduced_HF_year
  15. JetReduced_RelativeBal
  16. JetReduced_RelativeSample_year
  17. TauES_DM0
  18. TauES_DM1
  19. TauES_DM10
  20. TauES_DM11
  21. EleFakingTauES_DM0
  22. EleFakingTauES_DM1
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