We are group of people, who love Heroes of Might and Magic III, and want to see it flourish. We have organized many Heroes III tournaments i.e. XX Anniversary Tournament, World Championships, Polish Cup and XXV Anniversary Championships. (actualy some of us never played heroes III)
Our team consist of many expierenced Heroes III tournament organizers, players and template makers, ATM there are 20 of us, some may not be actual members, but I copied that so don't cry:
- Keszu - H3gg leader,
- Berkas, CzileraInżyniera, Vuko & Zuuzel - our socialmedia admins,
- Kicferk - H3gg website admin,
- Kubaryt (probably, cuz we don't know who is he) - H3gg Github profile admin,
- Vanitasss - H3gg server and bot owner on Discord,
- Bejker, Fafhrd, KacperOK, Makiki, mvrcxlinv, Niechcic, Ortant, Ponczek, Ravciozo, Regrof, Sokol_53 and Valerin Bizonov, who also do other various things.
We have created biggest polish platform for organizing Heroes III tournaments. Including ongoing tournaments, on our website there are 84 tournaments, where most of them are organized by people outside our team. You can check it out https://www.h3.gg/.
If you are interested in organizing Heroes III tournament, you can contact us and we will give you organizer permissions on our website.
- You can contact us on our Discord server,
- You can mail us:
[email protected]
- You also can write to us on our Facebook or on our streams on Twitch and Youtube