HATEOAS REST example project for Greater Milwaukee Java Meetup
Why would you want to use HATEOAS REST?
- End points are exposed and discoverable through links
- Creates a more user-friendly public API
- End points are self documenting for an internal API
- Consistent way to embedded resources
- Consistent way to convey errors
HATEAOS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) Defines the way in which application clients interact with the server, by navigating hypermedia links they find inside resource models returned by the server.
HAL (Hypertext Application Language) An implementation of HATEOAS. Defines a standard way of representing resources that will contain hypermedia information (links to related resources).
- gradlew build
Generate Project Files (depending on IDE):
- gradlew idea
- gradlew eclipse
- gradlew run
Congo is a simple shopping cart application demonstrating how to get started creating a HATEOAS REST API. This is not a robust solution and will generally break outside of the happy path. Many important concepts were omitted to keep this sample project easily digestible:
- Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principal violated to keep example code together
- Security
- Error handling and logging
- Persistence
- Spring Boot - Creates a simple bootstrap web application with embedded Tomcat server.
- spring-boot-1.2.7.RELEASE
- Spring HATEOAS - Ability to embed links in api resources.
- spring-hateoas-0.16.0.RELEASE
- Spring Core/Web - Web MVC
- version 4.1.8.RELEASE
- Jackson - JSON data binding
- jackson-annotations-2.4.0
- jackson-core-2.4.6
- jackson-databind-2.4.6
GET http://localhost:8080/products/
Collection view of products.
GET http://localhost:8080/products/1
Details about a single product.
GET http://localhost:8080/cart/items/
Collection view of items contained in the shopping cart.
GET http://localhost:8080/cart/items/1
Details about a single shopping cart item.
POST http://localhost:8080/cart/items/
Add a product to the shopping cart.
"congo:product": "http://localhost:8080/product/1"
DELETE http://localhost:8080/cart/items/1
Remove a product from the shopping cart.
GET http://localhost:8080/orders/
Collection view of orders.
GET http://localhost:8080/orders/1
Details about a single order.
POST http://localhost:8080/orders/
Create a new order containing all products in the shopping cart.
"creditCardNumber": "0123 4567 8910 1112",
"address": "301 N Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202"
The project is broken down into two modules:
- app: this would be where application logic and persistence lives. This demo focuses on the REST API and therefore
the app layer is mapped out only with interfaces and a simple memory-persisted implementation. - api: this layer is responsible for using the app interface to create a HATEOAS REST API. There are three main
main concepts to this layer:- Resources: api layer models. Resources are converted to and from JSON for HTTP communication.
- Assemblers: Converters between app layer models and api layer models.
- Controllers: REST API end point mappings. Use Assemblers and Resources to handle HTTP communication.
- Spring's Getting Started Building a RESTful Web Service
- HAL - Hypertext Application Language