All the scripts assume your powershell session has the module imported. Ensure you import it first!
Import-Module "<PathtoPSM1>"
- Module: Module required for all scripts
- Utility: Misc. utilities to facilitate work with CKL files.
Converts an XCCDF file (Output from SCAP) to a CKL file for further processing Use the STIG viewer application to create a blank CKL file. That will be used for the TemplateCKLPath
&"Convert-XCCDFtoCKL.ps1" -TemplateCKLPath "<Path to blank ckl>" -STIGName "<STIG name to filter XCCDF files to like U_Windows_2012_and_2012_R2_MS_V2R7_STIG>" -SaveDirectory "<A direcotry to save the results to>" [-XCCFPath "<Optional path to XCCF files directory. If not set, will auto set to %USERPROFILE%\SCC\RESULTS\SCAP The default directory>"]
Saves a CSV file containing more detailed information on open checks
&"Export-OpenStigData.ps1" -CKLDirectory <Path to a folder containing all your CKL files> -SavePath <Path to a csv file to save>
This script will set any checks for a CKL file from Not_Reviewed to Open
&"Set-NRtoOpen.ps1" -CKLPath <Path to the CKL file to edit>
This script will output several CSV files containing general metrics on stig progress. Note that the directory tree that your CKL files are in, must be in a certain format!
&"Export-MetricsReport.ps1" -CKLDirectoryPath <Path to parent of CKL folders> -SavePath <Path to save CSV reports>
| |-IIS Server 1.ckl
| |-IIS Server 2.ckl
|-DNS Server 1.ckl
Running the script against that directory for the Parent folder, would output 2 csv files. One named "IIS.csv" and the other named "DNS.csv".
Script will run through a target directory and build a collection of CKL files. From there it will parse them and find all checks that are set to Open or Not Reviewed and add each to an object. End result is a CSV file that can be used to copy and pasted bulk POA&M data into a provided template.
"Export-POAMData.ps1" -CKLDirectory <path to desired CKLs> -SavePath <Desired path and filename.csv>
Attempts to convert a checklist in 1.x version to a compatible 2.6 version checklist. This has had limited testing and may not work, but is worth a shot.
"Convert-ToNewCKLVersion.ps1" -Source 'C:\CKLs\MyChecklist.ckl' -Destination 'C:\CKLs\UpgradedMyChecklist.ckl'
Saves a loaded CKL file to disk
Export-StigCKL -CKLData $CKLData -Path "C:\CKLs\MyCKL.ckl" Export-StigCKL -CKLData $CKLData -Path "C:\CKLs\MyCKL.ckl" -AddHostData
Gets the host information from the CKLData
Get-CKLHostData -CKLData $CKLData
Gets a stig info attribute, literally value of a "SI_DATA" under the "STIG_INFO" elements from the XML data of the CKL. This contains general information on the STIG file itself. (Version, Date, Name)
Get-StigInfoAttribute -CKLData $CKLData -Attribute "Version"
Returns a complex object of metrics on the statuses of the checks in the specified directory.
Get-StigMetrics -CKLDirectory "C:\CKLS\"
This is an example showing the format of this function's output. This function will display different views of the same data.
Cat1=[PSCustomObject]@{Total=200; NotApplicable=50; NotReviewed=50; Open=50; NotAFinding=50;UniqueTotal=200};
Cat2=[PSCustomObject]@{Total=200; NotApplicable=50; NotReviewed=50; Open=50; NotAFinding=50;UniqueTotal=200};
Cat3=[PSCustomObject]@{Total=200; NotApplicable=50; NotReviewed=50; Open=50; NotAFinding=50;UniqueTotal=200};
TotalFindingScores=[PSCustomObject]@{Total=200; NotApplicable=50; NotReviewed=50; Open=50; NotAFinding=50}
Gets the status of a single vuln check, or an array of the statys of all vuln checks in a CKL
Get-VulnCheckResult -CKLData $CKLData -VulnID "V-11111"
Gets a vuln's finding attribute (Status, Comments, Details, etc)
Get-VulnFindingAttribute -CKLData $CKLData -VulnID "V-1111" -Attribute "COMMENTS"
Returns all VulnIDs contained in the CKL
Get-VulnIDs -CKLData $CKLData
Gets a vuln's informational attribute
Get-VulnInfoAttribute -CKLData $CKLData -Attribute "Version"
Gets host info from XCCDF
Returns stig results from an XCCDF file
Get-XCCDFResults -XCCDF (Import-XCCDF -Path C:\XCCDF\Results.xml)
Load a CKL file as an [XML] element. This can then be passed to other functions in this module.
Import-StigCKL -Path "C:\CKLs\MyCKL.ckl"
Load an XCCDF file into a [xml]
Import-XCCDF -Path C:\XCCDF\Results.xml
Merges two loaded CKLs
Merge-CKLData -SourceCKL $OriginalInfo -DestinationCKL $NewCKL
Merges two CKL files and saves it as a new CKL. Largely a wrapper around Merge-CKLData.
Merge-CKLs -DestinationCKLFile "C:\CKLS\Blank.ckl" -DestinationCKLFile "C:\CKLS\Answered.ckl" -SaveFilePath "C:\CKLS\Merged.ckl" Merge-CKLs -DestinationCKLFile "C:\CKLS\Blank.ckl" -DestinationCKLFile "C:\CKLS\Answered.ckl" -SaveFilePath "C:\CKLS\Merged.ckl" -IncludeNR
Adds XCCDF host info into a loaded CKL data
Adds XCCDF results into a loaded CKL data
Opens and resaves a CKL, may fix formatting issues
Repair-StigCKL -Path "C:\CKLs\MyCKL.ckl"
Sets host data in CKL. If any parameters are blank, they will be set to running machine
Set-CKLHostData -CKLData $CKLData Set-CKLHostData -CKLData $CKLData -Host "SomeMachine" -FQDN "" -Mac "00-00-00-..." -IP ""
Sets the findings information for a single vuln
Set-VulnCheckResult -CKLData $CKLData -VulnID "V-11111" -Details "Not set correctly" -Comments "Checked by xyz" -Result Open
Sets a vuln status based on a registry check
Set-VulnCheckResultFromRegistry -CKLData $CKLData -RegKeyPath "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\COMPANY\DATA" -RequiredKey "PortStatus" -RequiredValue "Closed" -Comments "Checked by asdf"
Sets a vuln's finding attribute (Status, Comments, Details, etc)
Set-VulnFindingAttribute -CKLData $CKLData -VulnID "V-1111" -Attribute "COMMENTS" -Value "This was checked by script"