Learn Functional Programming with Elixir
New Foundations for a New World
Ulisses Almeida
- Chapter
- Lambda calculus
- Elixir - Operators
- Elixir - Kernel
- Elixir - Naming Conventions
- Elixir - Kernel.SpecialForms
- Elixir - Docs
- Elixir - File
- Elixir - Kernel#rem/2
- Elixir - Kernel#div/2
- Chapter
- Elixir - Regex
- Elixir Getting Started - Binaries, strings, and charlists
- Elixir - Date
- Elixir Getting Started - Sigils
- Elixir - Typespecs
- Elixir Getting Started - case, cond, and if
- Elixir - Integer
- Elixir - Bitwise
- Elixir Getting Started - Macros
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Elixir - Enumerable protocol
- Elixir - Kernel.SpecialForms#for/1
- Function currying in Elixir Curry?
- Fibonacci number
- Quicksort
- Chapter
- Elixir - Mix
- ExUnit - Docs
- Elixir - Mix.Task behaviour
- Elixir Getting Started - Protocols
- Mix tasks to simplify use of Dialyzer in Elixir projects
- Semantic Versioning
- The package manager for the Erlang ecosystem
- Chapter