What's Changed
TLDR: Many new perks, two new guns, a statistics screen after death and bug fixes!
- Adds accuracy system, and new accuracy based perks by @hepfnepf in #226
- Added a statistic screen also fixed some bugs along the way by @hepfnepf in #232
- Added tit for tat perk by @hepfnepf in #234
- Added perk that makes collected items explode. by @hepfnepf in #235
- Added machinezooka and fixed bug. by @hepfnepf in #237
- Added vampire perk by @hepfnepf in #242
- Added pyromaniac perc. by @hepfnepf in #247
- Hp bar by @hepfnepf in #250
- Increase max hp perks by @hepfnepf in #253
- Added extra card perk. by @hepfnepf in #258
- Added perks that speed up reloading by @hepfnepf in #259
- Added regeneration perk. by @hepfnepf in #260
- Added damage increase over time to pistol. by @hepfnepf in #261
- Added perk that makes spikeballs explode on death and fixed bugs by @hepfnepf in #264
- Added medic perk. by @hepfnepf in #265
- Added machine gun. Also fixed sniper perk reappearing. by @hepfnepf in #270
- Added charge gun by @hepfnepf in #281
- Quick fixes by @hepfnepf in #282
- Fixed bullet time effecting perk selection. by @hepfnepf in #284
- Fixed bullets not being affected by restarts. by @hepfnepf in #285
- Fixed the music player panel not being set correctly. by @hepfnepf in #286
- Added two new Ice perks by @hepfnepf in #287
- Thorns by @hepfnepf in #293
- Added invicibility toggle with the button I, to debug builds. by @hepfnepf in #294
Full Changelog: