TeddyCloud is an alternative server for your Toniebox, allowing you to host the cloud services locally. This gives you the control about which data is sent to the original manufacturer's cloud and allows you to host your own figurine audio files on e.g. your NAS or any other server.
Currently implemented are:
- Provide audio content over the air
- Cache original tonie audio content
- Simulate live content (.live)
- Passthrough original tonie audio content
- Convert any audio file to a tonie audio file (web)
- On-the-fly convert audio streams via ffmpeg for webradio and streams
- Filter custom tags to prevent deletion (.nocloud)
- Configure maximum volume for speaker and headphones
- Configure LED
- Configure slapping
- Customize original box sounds (ex. jingle) over the air
- Extract/Inject certitifcates on a esp32 firmware dump
- Decode RTNL logs
- MQTT client
- Home Assistant integration (MQTT)
- Web frontend (full stack developers welcome)
- teddyBench integration
If you want to get started, please follow our guide on our website.
Please use the develop for your development and pull requests. Stable builds are available from the master branch. Don't forget to clone the submodules with --recurse-submodules.
To catch sanitizer in you IDE set a breakpoint on __asan::ReportGenericError
The icons used are from here:
- img_empty.png: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/ask_1372671
- img_unknown.png: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/ask_1923795
- img_custom.png/favicon.ico: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/dog_2829818
Thanks for the original authors for these great icons.