Cordova Plugin For AirTurn Device
Oktober 2023: Upgraded to Airturn framework 4.8.2 Fixed IOS program where IOS < 14 and IOS >= 14 behaved differntly.
Juli 2022: Upgraded to Airturn framework 4.6.1
April 2020: Upgraded to framework 3.7.4. Also UIWebView removed.
February 2019: Upgraded to framework 3.3.3.
January 2019: Upgraded to the Airturn framework 3.3.3-b.1 and switch to dynamic library
Oktober 2017: Upgraded to the Airturn framework 3.1.0 Beta2
Providing bridge to NotificationCenter
$ cordova create <PATH> [ID [NAME [CONFIG]]] [options]
$ cd <PATH>
$ cordova platform add ios
$ cordova plugin add
onDeviceReady: function() {
var initAirTurn = document.getElementById('initAirTurn'),
addEvent = document.getElementById('addEvent'),
setting = document.getElementById('setting');
killApp = document.getElementById('killApp');
window.airturn.initAirTurn(function( e ) {
window.airturn.addAirTurnEventListener( "AirTurnConnectionStateNotification", function( e ) {
var connectionState = "";
if(e.AirTurnConnectionStateKey == 0)
connectionState = "Unknown";
else if(e.AirTurnConnectionStateKey == 1)
connectionState = "Disconnect";
else if(e.AirTurnConnectionStateKey == 2)
connectionState = "Connecting";
else if(e.AirTurnConnectionStateKey == 3)
connectionState = "Connected";
window.airturn.getInfo( function( e ) {
connectionState += "<br>PeripheralName:"+e.PeripheralName;
connectionState += "<br>DeviceUniqueIdentifier:"+e.DeviceUniqueIdentifier;
connectionState += "<br>FirmwareVersion:"+e.FirmwareVersion;
connectionState += "<br>HardwareVersion:"+e.HardwareVersion;
document.getElementById("airturn").innerHTML = "Connection State: "+connectionState;
document.getElementById("airturn").innerHTML = "Connection State: "+connectionState;
window.airturn.addAirTurnEventListener( "AirTurnPedalPressNotification", function( e ) {
document.getElementById("airturn").innerHTML = "Port Number: "+e.AirTurnPortNumberKey;
// use this after a text or other field has taken focus and the Presses are no longer triggered
// maybe not needed since the framework tries to become firstResponder by itself.
window.airturn.isConnected(function( e ) {//AirTurnPedalPressNotification
var connectionState = "";
connectionState = 'Connected';
connectionState = 'Disconnected';
document.getElementById("airturn").innerHTML = "Connection State: "+connectionState;
setting.addEventListener('click', function() {
window.airturn.setting( function( e ) {
killApp.addEventListener('click', function() {
window.airturn.killApp( function( e ) {