Phone Sync provides a webinterface to display your SMS conversations. SMS conversations are pushed by your Android devices using the Android client, available on F-Droid.
The app is available on the Nextcloud App Store, so installing is as easy as:
- Navigate in your Nextcloud instance to the "Apps"
- Select the category "Multimedia"
- Click "activate"
If you are on MySQL or MariaDB and have the following issue with the database:
Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x89' for column 'sms_msg' at row 1
The cause may be that you have to enable 4-byte support.
Here is a guide:
If you are on MySQL or MariaDB and have the following issue with the database:
Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes.
You should reconfigure your MySQL server to support a such column size.
Here are some informations:
If you are using FastCGI you must enable buffering in FastCGI but commenting the following line:
fastcgi_request_buffering off;
If you've enabled 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) logins you may be hit with an incorrect password error. The android client doesn't support logging in with 2FA credentials. Here is a guide to do so, although it says Managing Devices it is the same process for App Passwords:
- Server:
- Client:
Phone Sync web application is currently licensed under AGPL license.
Twemoji Code licensed under the MIT License, Graphics licensed under CC-BY 4.0. libphonenumber-for-php Code licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.