It's best served through a dedicated conda environment:
conda create --name camel python=3.11
conda activate camel
pip install -r requirements.txt
In short, you need twqo or three things to work woth the codebase:
- an OpenAI API key (requires gpt-3 or gpt-4 models with support for function calling)
- a postgres database (i.e. the free tier at
- a qdrant vector DB (i.e. the free tier at
- a slack workspace and app for the slack bot
All the tools and the assistant leverage 3rd party services for which you need API keys.
Make sure these are present in your environment:
export OPENAI_API_KEY="..."
export QDRANT_KEY="..."
export QDRANT_URL="..."
export PG_URL="..."
For the slack bot, you also need these:
export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN="..."
export SLACK_APP_TOKEN="..."
as well.)
The current impl serves the main knowledge through local files that have been scraped from the camel documentation.
As a first step you need to prepare the local data using the crawl
and upsert
tools available.
Once the process completes, you should have a text-only representation of the documentation under ./data/text/*.*
Typically this is a one-time step
The data prepared, needs to be indexed and will be kept in a vector DB to enable semantic search for the agent.
In a second step you need to upsert data using the upsert
tools available:
usage: [-h] -c COLLECTION [-s START] [-b BATCHSIZE] [-p PROCESSES] [-m MODE] [-f FILE]
Once the process completes, you should have a meta data and vector embeddings in QDrant (
Typically this is a one-time step
Web based:
streamlit run
CLI based:
python [-f QUESTION.txt]
How do I perform content filtering in Camel? Show me an example.
To perform content filtering in Apache Camel, you can use various mechanisms in the routing logic to transform content from the inbound message. Here are some examples:
- Using a Processor with the filtering programmed in Java:
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) {
String body = exchange.getMessage().getBody(String.class);
// do something with the body
// and replace it back
- Using a Bean EIP to use any Java method on any bean as a content filter:
.bean("myBeanName", "doFilter")
- Using an Expression to filter content from messages. For example, using XPath to filter an XML message to select all the
These examples demonstrate how to perform content filtering in Apache Camel using different mechanisms in the routing logic, such as Processor, Bean EIP, and Expression.