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Implementation of the 3D-Beacons client (local 3D model server)

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3D-Beacons Client

This is an implementation of 3D-Beacons client which provides various tools and infrastructure to make local structural models available to the 3D-Beacons network.

More about 3D-Beacons can be found in the WikiPages


The 3D-Beacons Client has been made available as a series of docker containers, so the following software must be available:

Quick Start

Download the code

git clone
cd 3d-beacons-client

Prepare the model data

Every model needs a PDB/CIF file and a JSON file (containing metadata about how this model maps to a UniProt entry). Note that the related files must have the same name, e.g. foo1.pdb and foo1.json.

The schema of the metadata JSON file is available on SwaggerHub:

      type: object
          type: string
          description: 'Accession/identifier of the entity the model is mapped to'
          example: 'P38398'
         type: string
         description: 'The name of the data provider the model is mapped to'
         enum: [
         example: 'uniprot'
          type: number
          format: integer
          description: 'The index of the first residue of the model according to the mapping'
          example: 1
          type: number
          format: integer
          description: 'The index of the last residue of the model according to the mapping'
          example: 103
          type: string
          description: 'Category of the model'
          enum: [
                  'CONFORMATIONAL ENSEMBLE',
          example: 'TEMPLATE-BASED'
          type: string
          description: 'Monomeric or complex strutures'
          enum: [
          example: 'single'
      required: [
mkdir -p ./data/{pdb,cif,metadata,index}
cp P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.pdb ./data/pdb/
cat P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.json
  "mappingAccession": "P38398",
  "mappingAccessionType": "uniprot",
  "start": 1,
  "end": 103,
  "modelCategory": "TEMPLATE-BASED",
  "modelType": "single"
cp P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.json ./data/metadata/

The ./data directory should now look something like this (the model file has been given a more realistic name):

├── cif
├── index
├── metadata
│   └── P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.json
└── pdb
    └── P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.pdb

Setup local environment

Copy over the example file and update the values for MONGO_PASSWORD and PROVIDER. The MONGO_PASSWORD will be the password used for connecting to the MongoDB instance, which is included in the docker container (i.e. no need to install MongoDB separately). The PROVIDER is the name that will group all the models together, e.g. AlphaFold models have "AFDB" as provider, while SWISS-MODEL models have "SWISS-MODEL" as provider. This name will be used by the 3D-Beacons front-end, and any other data services using the 3D-Beacons Network to label your models.

cp .env.example .env
vim .env

Start up docker containers.

Note: the following may take a few minutes the first time it is run (the resulting images are cached by default, so they should only need to be built once).

docker-compose up -d

You should now be able to access the API documentation by directing a web browser at http://localhost:8000/docs

Process the model PDB files

The following command will:

  • convert PDB files to CIF files
  • convert CIF and METADATA files to JSON index files
  • load JSON index files into the database (MongoDB)
docker-compose exec cli snakemake --cores=2

The ./data directory should now look like:

├── cif
│   └── P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.cif
├── index
│   ├── P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.json
│   └── P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.json.loaded
├── metadata
│   └── P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.json
└── pdb
    └── P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.pdb

Find the model via API

We can now search for this model via the API:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8000/uniprot/summary/P38398.json' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'


Congratulations. You are now ready to connect your API to the 3D Beacons Hub!

Running CLI commands manually

The Snakemake workflow has been included for convenience, but it is possible to run the individual steps outside of Snakemake, and outside of the docker container entirely if desired.

Running steps inside docker (recommended)

  • Pros: nothing to install
  • Cons: docker adds a layer of complexity (eg different hosts and data directories)
# create a shortcut to run the CLI tool inside docker container
alias 3dbeacons-cli-docker="docker-compose exec cli 3dbeacons-cli"

# convert all PDB files to CIF files
3dbeacons-cli-docker convert-pdb2cif -i ./data/pdb/ -o ./data/cif/

# prepare metadata for every CIF file
ls ./data/cif/P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.cif          # this file was generated in the step above
cat ./data/metadata/P38398_1jm7.1.A_1_103.json   # you need to generate this file yourself
    "mappingAccession": "P38398",
    "mappingAccessionType": "uniprot",
    "start": 1,
    "end": 103,
    "modelCategory": "TEMPLATE-BASED",
    "modelType": "single"

# create index JSON from CIF
3dbeacons-cli-docker convert-cif2index \
  -ic ./data/cif/ -im ./data/metadata/ \
  -o ./data/index/

# load JSON to local database
# IMPORTANT: notice that the host from inside docker is 'mongodb'
3dbeacons-cli-docker load-index \
  -i ./data/index/ \
  -h mongodb://MONGO_USER:MONGO_PASSWORD@mongodb:27017

# validate JSON
3dbeacons-cli-docker validate-index \
  -i ./data/index/

Running CLI commands outside of docker

  • Pros: one fewer layers to consider
  • Cons: requires more manual installation
# create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv

# use the virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate

# make the all the installation libraries are up to date
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

# install the dependencies for this project
pip install -r bio3dbeacons/cli/requirements.txt

# install the CLI script
pip install -e .

# run the CLI tool
Usage: 3dbeacons-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  CLI application for 3D Beacons utilities

  --help  Show this message and exit.


You will also need to install GEMMI software. The instuctions will vary depending on your operating system, but it will look something like:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y git cmake make g++
git clone && cd gemmi && cmake . && make
export GEMMI_BIN=$PWD/gemmi


CLI tools

These are Python based commands which provides utilities for easily hosting the models. Below are the utilities available.

1. PDB to CIF conversion

The models in PDB can be converted to CIF files using this tool. It uses Gemmi command-line program for the conversion. The tool accepts a single PDB file or a directory containing PDB files and generates the CIF files accordingly.

2. CIF to JSON conversion

An index JSON is required for each model which can be loaded to the Mongo DB for keeping metadata for the model and exposing it via API. This index JSON can be created from the model CIF and a mandatory metadata JSON which contains the remaining metadata which is not available in CIF. This uses Gemmi CIF Parser to get data from the CIF file. The tool will parse CIF file and metadata JSON and then merge both of them to create the index JSON. If there is already an existing value in CIF file, this will be overridden by the field in metadata JSON.

For example, if there is a field in CIF _exptl.method which maps to experimentalMethod in index JSON, this will be overwritten if there is an experimentalMethod field in metadata JSON.

The field mappings in CIF file to index JSON is configured via cif_json_mapping section in bio3dbeacons/config/conf.ini

NOTE: The metadata JSON should be named the same as that of CIF file except the file extension.

Below is an example metadata JSON with all mandatory fields. Description for each of these fields are available in resources/schema.json

"mappingAccession": "P38398",
"mappingAccessionType": "uniprot",
"start": 1,
"end": 103,
"modelCategory": "TEMPLATE-BASED",
"modelType": "single"

The tool can accept a single CIF and metadata JSON or directories containing the files and will generate the index JSONs accordingly.

3. Mongo load

This tool can be used to load index JSON documents to Mongo DB to store the model metadata. This can accept a single JSON document or a directory containing the documents and use the DB url passed as the argument to load them into the database with an option of giving the batch size of documents to be loaded at once.

NOTE: The tool always upserts (insert if not present, else update) the documents.

4. Validate index JSON

All the index JSON documents must be compliant with the schema provided in resources/schema.json. This tool can be used to run the validation of a single JSON or a directory against this schema before loading them to the database.

Mongo DB database

Mongo DB is used to store the model metadata which will be used by the API to expose it via service endpoints. By using Mongo's document data model, the model metadata in the form of JSON documents can be loaded to Mongo DB and can be queried in the very fastest and efficient way to present it to the users.


The client also provides a RESTful API to expose the model metadata to users as per the OpenAPI 3 specifications hosted in SwaggerHub. This is built on FastAPI web framework based on Python 3.6+ standards.

File server

The RESTful API service is backed by an NGINX proxy which also acts as a static file server to serve the model files like CIF and PDB.


Local development

For local development, please follow the below instructions.

Set the environment variables

Make sure the environment has been set up correctly (.env)

MONGO_USERNAME=<username> # username for MongoDB
MONGO_PASSWORD=<password> # password for MongoDB
PROVIDER=<provider> # Same as set in earlier section
MONGO_DB_HOST=localhost:27017 # Mongo DB docker compose service
MODEL_FORMAT=<format> # Same as set in earlier section
ASSETS_URL=localhost/static # NGINX docker compose service

Note: if you make any changes to this file after the docker containers have been built, then you will need to rebuild the cli containers in order to be able to see those changes within docker-compose:

docker-compose up --detach --build cli
Start the necessary services
docker compose up --build

The above docker compose command will start API, Mongo DB and NGINX services defined in docker-compose.yml file. Each of these services uses environment variables provided in docker-compose.yml for its configuration.

Once the docker compose command is executed and services started, API docs can be accessed using http://localhost/docs. This is the default SwaggerHub style document auto generated by FastAPI. Also Mongo DB can be accessed using Mongo Shell using the below command,

mongosh mongodb://<MONGO_USERNAME>:<MONGO_PASSWORD>@localhost:27017

NOTE: If you check the NGINX service in docker-compose.yml, /var/www/static directory in NGINX is mounted with data directory in the project root. This is where the model files need to be kept for serving via file server. API is configured to expect CIF files to be kept in data/cif and PDB files to be in data/pdb directories. If another directory is used (which obvioulsly in most cases), replace ./data in docker-compose.yml with the proper path where your model files are present. But make sure you still keep them in cif and pdb subdirectories accordingly.

Develop API locally

The docker compose command will start an API service inside the docker container. This may not be a good option to continously test and develop your services. To develop the API locally, use the below commands.

# Create a new Python (3.6+) virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv

# activate the environment
source venv/bin/activate

# Install the dependencies
pip install -r bio3dbeacons/api/requirements.txt

The above commands will create a new Python virtual environment and install the dependencies required to run the API.

Alternatively, environment can be managed very easily using Anaconda as well. Use below commands to manage via conda.

conda create -n beacons_env -c conda-forge python=3.7 gemmi
conda activate beacons_env

The above commands will create a new conda environment beacons_env with Python version 3.7 along with the Gemmi program which is later used by CLI.

To use environment variables, API is using a python package python-dotenv which is a convenient way of keeping the variables in a .env file in the project directory.

Now that dependencies and environment variables are available, run the API locally using uvicorn which is a lightning fast ASGI server implementation. This is already installed using the pip command executed before.

uvicorn bio3dbeacons.api.main:app --reload

Now access the local API docs using http://localhost:8000/docs. The server will keep monitoring the files and reloads the instance without the need for restarting the server after making any code changes.

NOTE: Code for API is present in <PROJECT_ROOT>/bio3dbeacons/api directory.

Develop CLI locally

CLI is conveniently packed using Python click package which is an easy way of creating command line interfaces with less code. <PROJECT_ROOT>/bio3dbeacons/cli/.py is the entry point for the CLI application.

Follow below steps to start using the CLI,

CLI has an external dependency on Gemmi program for converting PDB files to CIF. It is available as part of conda-forge packages or can be build from source by following below steps.

NOTE: Skip these steps if using conda to manage the environment as described in earlier section.

Make sure you have git, cmake, C++ compiler installed For eg. on Ubuntu, sudo apt install git cmake make g++

git clone
cd gemmi
cmake .
export GEMMI_BIN=$PWD/gemmi/gemmi
# Create a new Python (3.6+) virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv

If the environment is already created as part of API development, skip the previous step.

# activate the environment
source venv/bin/activate

# Install the dependencies
pip install -r bio3dbeacons/cli/requirements.txt

# Get the help menu of the CLI
python3 -m bio3dbeacons.cli --help

Use the help menu of various commands to see their usage.

For eg:

(venv) $ python3 -m bio3dbeacons.cli convert_pdb_to_cif --help
Usage: python -m bio3dbeacons.cli convert_pdb_to_cif [OPTIONS]

-i, --input-pdb TEXT Input PDB to convert, can be a directory in which
case all .pdb files will be converted [required]
-o, --output-cif TEXT Output CIF file, a directory in case a directory is
passed for --input-pdb [required]
--help Show this message and exit.

The CLI can also be distributed as a Python pip package, install and use it using below commands.

# activate the environment
source venv/bin/activate

# Update pip, wheel and setuptools
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

# Install the dependencies
pip install .

# Get the help menu of the CLI
bio3dbeacons_cli --help

To further make it more convenient for development and distribution, there is a docker image provided as well. Use below steps to build and run the CLI application.

# build the docker image and tag it
docker build -t bio3dbeacons .

# Get the help menu of the CLI
docker run -t bio3dbeacons bio3dbeacons_cli --help

# Run PDB to CIF conversion using the docker image
docker run -v $PWD/data:/data -t bio3dbeacons bio3dbeacons_cli convert_pdb_to_cif -i /data/pdb -o /data/cif

The above docker run command for PDB to CIF conversion assumes you have a data/pdb directory in current working directory with one or more PDB files. The command will convert the PDB files in data/pdb to data/cif directory.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is performed with pytest.

pytest will automatically discover and run tests by recursively searching for folders and .py files prefixed with test for any functions prefixed by test.

Code coverage is provided by the pytest-cov plugin.

Use the make command below to run the unit tests.

Please make sure to keep the docker compose services up as the tests will be running against Mongo DB docker instance since there are compatibility issues of using mongomock with motor asyncio framework.

# set the env variables from 'Develop API locally' section
make test

Workflow automation using pre-commit hooks

Code formatting and PEP8 compliance are automated using pre-commit hooks. This is configured in .pre-commit-config.yaml which will run these hooks before commit ting anything to the repository. Run below command to run all the pre-commit hooks.

make pre-commit


Implementation of the 3D-Beacons client (local 3D model server)






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