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matijakljajic committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent 171fee9 commit be44521
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29 changes: 14 additions & 15 deletions src/lib/components/footer/main.svelte
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35 changes: 12 additions & 23 deletions src/lib/components/themetoggle/main.svelte
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45.5623L22.8815 45.5624L18.1156 47.0743C18.1226 47.0963 18.1297 47.1181 18.1369 47.1397L22.8815 45.5623ZM25.9097 55.1113L22.6905 59.5713L26.7448 62.4976L29.9639 58.0376L25.9097 55.1113ZM26.7356 62.5102L29.9825 58.0704L25.9466 55.1189L22.6997 59.5587L26.7356 62.5102ZM29.4202 54.5621L29.4206 54.5624L26.453 58.5865C26.4713 58.6 26.4899 58.6136 26.5089 58.6272L29.4202 54.5621ZM37.4829 60.5077L37.5001 66.0078L42.5 65.9922L42.4829 60.4921L37.4829 60.5077ZM42.5 66.0078L42.5172 60.5077L37.5172 60.4921L37.5001 65.9922L42.5 66.0078ZM40.0005 58H40.0004L39.9654 62.9999C39.9885 63 40.0113 63 40.0339 62.9999L40.0005 58ZM50.018 58.0709L53.2645 62.5102L57.3004 59.5587L54.0539 55.1194L50.018 58.0709ZM57.3096 59.5713L54.0908 55.1118L50.0366 58.0381L53.2554 62.4976L57.3096 59.5713ZM50.5805 54.5624L50.5803 54.5626L53.4915 58.6276C53.5096 58.6147 53.528 58.6013 53.5468 58.5875L50.5805 54.5624ZM58.7267 48.7313L63.9624 50.4145L65.4926 45.6544L60.2569 43.9713L58.7267 48.7313ZM65.5075 45.6592L60.2824 43.9434L58.7224 48.6939L63.9476 50.4097L65.5075 45.6592ZM57.1195 45.5624L57.1195 45.5625L61.8641 47.1401C61.8711 47.1191 61.8782 47.0973 61.8853 47.0749L57.1195 45.5624ZM60.2824 36.0566L65.5075 34.3408L63.9476 29.5903L58.7224 31.3061L60.2824 36.0566ZM63.9624 29.5855L58.7267 31.2687L60.2569 36.0287L65.4926 34.3456L63.9624 29.5855ZM57.1195 34.4374L57.1195 34.4376L61.8853 32.9251C61.8783 32.9031 61.8712 32.8814 61.8641 32.86L57.1195 34.4374ZM54.0908 24.8882L57.3096 20.4287L53.2554 17.5024L50.0365 21.9619L54.0908 24.8882ZM53.2645 17.4898L50.018 21.9291L54.0539 24.8807L57.3004 20.4413L53.2645 17.4898ZM50.5806 25.4376L50.5807 25.4377L53.5467 21.4124C53.5283 21.3989 53.5099 21.3855 53.4912 21.3722L50.5806 25.4376ZM42.5172 19.4923L42.5 13.9922L37.5001 14.0078L37.5172 19.5079L42.5172 19.4923ZM37.5001 13.9922L37.4829 19.4923L42.4829 19.5079L42.5 14.0078L37.5001 13.9922ZM40.0005 22H40.0005L40.0339 17.0001C40.011 17 39.9881 17 39.9653 17.0001L40.0005 22Z"
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d="M9.874 5.008c2.728-1.68 6.604-1.014 8.25.197c-2.955.84-5.11 3.267-5.242 6.415c-.18 4.28 3.006 6.588 5.24 7.152c-1.964 1.343-4.36 1.293-5.235 1.172c-3.568-.492-6.902-3.433-7.007-7.711c-.106-4.278 2.573-6.35 3.994-7.225z"
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