Basic Lua functions for reading sensor feeds from Cosm (
read_current(apikey,feed, datastream) Returns the current value of a given datastream id that belongs to a given feed id. You have to provide a valid Cosm API Key with reading permissions
read_24h(apikey, feed, datastream) Returns a JSON object containing the average, maximum and minimum datastream values for the past 24 hours, e.g. [18.275, 81.3, 4.2]. You have to provide a valid Cosm API Key with reading permissions
list_datastreams(apikey, feed) Returns the number of datastreams for a given feed id. e.g., {"datastreams": ["datastream1, timeupdated,currentvalue", "datastream2,timeupdated,currentvalue"], "size": 2}
isAlive(apikey, feed) Returns the status of a feed ("live" or "frozen")
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