Sample App for a simple file and directory chooser for Android.
This repository contains a java-class called To see how to use it, you can look in the MainActivity from the sample app.
Button imgButton = (Button) findViewById(;
imgButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
String mChosenDir;
public void onClick(View v) {
SimpleFileChooserDialog myDialog = new SimpleFileChooserDialog(mContext, SimpleFileChooserDialog.FILE_SELECT, new SimpleFileChooserDialog.SimpleFileDialogListener() {
public void onPositiveButton(String chosenDir) {
Toast.makeText(mContext, "Chosen file: " + chosenDir, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
myDialog.mAllowedFileExts = new String[]{".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png"};
You can either change the code in the java file directly, or you can change a lot of "variables" via code like so, before calling the dialog with myDialog.chooseFile_or_Dir();
String mPosButtonText; // Text for the positive Button of the Dialog (like "OK")
String mNegButtonText; // Text for the negative Button of the Dialog (like "Cancel")
String mNewFileDialogTitle; // Text for the title of the sub-Dialog for entering a file-name
String mDialogTitle; // Custom Dialog Title
int mRevertDirDrawable; // for the "back" drawable
int mNewFolderDrawable; // for the "new Folder" drawable
String mNewFolderPosButtonText; // Text for the positive Button of the newDir-Dialog (like "OK")
String mNewFolderNegButtonText; // Text for the negative Button of the newDir-Dialog (like "Cancel")
String mNewFolderFailText; // Text for the Toast when creation of folder failed
String mNewFolderDialogTitle; // Text for the title of the sub-Dialog for entering a folder-name
boolean mHideBackButtonInRootDir; // boolean to hide or show the back button in the root Sd Directory
String mDialogTitleBackgroundColorHex; // Hex Color for the background color of the title-box
String mDialogDividerColorHex; // Hex Color for the color of the divider between title and body
String[] mAllowedFileExts; // String-array of allowed file-extentions to display
String mFileSaveNoNameFailureText; // Text for the Toast when no filename was entered when saving a file
For example: myDialog.mAllowedFileExts = new String[]{".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png"};
Also make sure to include the permission in the Manifest: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
For the license, please have a look into the file. Author of the original source is 'Gregory Shpitalnik' from ''