Two player game made with pygame. It is a game of catch where the objective is for the catcher to catch the other player and the other player to get to the objective
Use the package manager pip to install pygame.
pip install pygame
P1 starts catching P2, this means that P2 needs to get to the objective. Once P1 catches P2 or P2 reaches the objective, the roles swap, P2 is now the catcher.
- Two Player Game
- Ability to play in different maps
- Ability to create custom maps
- Online Multiplayer
- Ability to play with more than two players (?)
- Tutorial for game and for level maker
If you want to add your map to the list of the current Official maps, please get into contact with me
- Maps
- Basic - Hazcoper
- Goldway - Ruhan
- Maze - Hazcoper
- Squaring - Hazcoper
- LoveMap - Hazcoper
- Programing
- Hazcoper
- Fix small bugs
- Add more maps
- Add a boost for the players
- Tutorial - Currently being worked on
- Player vs AI
- Online multiplayer option
- Add Credits - Currently being worked on ...
Currently being worked on, the files are available on the work in progress folder Progress is being made, but a roadblock has been reached The velocity of the player is somewhat dependend on the latency in the communication with the server Need to investigate about online multiplayer architecture to fix this