A clone of Calendly whitch allow the logged in user set availabilities and unique links for different event types, and allow the other users book appointments with the unique links.
- Front-End: ReactJs, Material UI, React Calendar
- Back-End: Flask, PostgreSQL
- Sevices: Oauth, Google Calendar, Stripe, SendGrid
[email protected] demotest
- Allow users to set profiles (unique url, timezone) and available dates & times
- Subscribe with Stripe, remain all step in origin site (never redirect to Stripe)
- Fully connected with Google Calendar for displaying free times and create events.
- Calendar only show user available dates and times.
- Notification email will be sent once appointment is booked.
Install dependncies:
Additional Requirement:
{ "web": { "client_id": <Google Client ID>, "project_id": <Google Project ID>, "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth", "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs", "client_secret": <Google Client Secret>, "redirect_uris": [ <Google Redirect Urls> ], "javascript_origins": [ <Google Accept Origin Urls> ] } }
FLASK_ENV="development", SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=<DataBase URI for SQLAlchemy>, STRIPE_API_KEY=<Stripe api key>, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<Google Client ID>, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<Google Client Secret>, GOOGLE_TOKEN_URL="https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token", GOOGLE_API_KEY=<Google API key> GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL=<Google Redirect Urls>
- Running on
- Running on
- Running on
- Running on