A Docker recipe of Open5GS
- Host machine
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 (Kernel version: 4.15.0-55-generic)
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.2 GHz 4 cores)
- Software
- Docker v18.09.7-ce
- docker-compose v1.23.1
The overview of containers with default configurations in this repogitory is as follow:
- Create Docker images of Open5GS EPC functions using the source. Here, I used the tagged branch of v1.2.0.
git clone https://github.com/open5gs/open5gs.git
cd open5gs/docker
USER=open5gs DIST=ubuntu TAG=bionic BRANCH=v1.2.0 docker-compose build
The followings are an example of the result after built.
docker images
open5gs/ubuntu-bionic-open5gs-dev latest 60ce320cd82f 4 minutes ago 783MB
open5gs/ubuntu-bionic-open5gs-build latest 598d8fe79919 6 minutes ago 639MB
open5gs/ubuntu-bionic-open5gs-base latest 11250baae03a 6 minutes ago 391MB
open5gs/open5gs-webui latest f2a6fb2657ac 3 hours ago 1GB
- Fetch this repository, and run Docker containers.
git clone https://github.com/hassiweb/docker-open5gs
cd docker-open5gs
docker-compose up
- Modify iptables to forward S1-MME (SCTP) packets from eNB to the MME container.
sudo sh foward_s1_to_mme.sh start
This repository is a simplified and updated version of ravens/docker-nextepc from NextEPC to Open5GS. I appreciate him and his great work!