🔨 Changes
- ✏️ Correct typo in code comment (#94)
- ⬆️ Upgrades build-base to 0.5-r2
- ⬆️ Upgrades git to 2.26.2-r0
- ⬆️ Upgrades yarn to 1.22.4-r0
- ⬆️ Upgrades certbot to 1.4.0-r0
- ⬆️ Upgrades nginx to 1.18.0-r0
- 🔥 Remove Renovatebot
- ⬆️ Upgrades apache2-utils to 2.4.46-r0
- ⬆️ Upgrades NGINX Proxy Manager to v2.5.0
- ✨ Add certbot-dns-cloudflare
- 🚑 Bump to Python3
- 🚑 Add Python2 to satisfy node-gyp
- ⬆️ Upgrades add-on base image to v8.0.3
- ✨ Add option to reset database (#104)
- ⬆️ Upgrades nodejs to 12.18.4-r
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