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joyfulmantis committed Jul 18, 2023
2 parents e34da52 + c501f38 commit ca81317
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Showing 9 changed files with 389 additions and 223 deletions.
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/Completions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ descriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeSta
descriptor recorder plId = (defaultPluginDescriptor plId)
{ pluginRules = produceCompletions recorder
, pluginHandlers = mkPluginHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCompletion getCompletionsLSP
<> mkPluginHandler SMethod_CompletionItemResolve resolveCompletion
<> mkResolveHandler SMethod_CompletionItemResolve resolveCompletion
, pluginConfigDescriptor = defaultConfigDescriptor {configCustomConfig = mkCustomConfig properties}
, pluginPriority = ghcideCompletionsPluginPriority
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,11 +119,9 @@ dropListFromImportDecl iDecl = let
f x = x
in f <$> iDecl

resolveCompletion :: IdeState -> PluginId -> CompletionItem -> LSP.LspM Config (Either ResponseError CompletionItem)
resolveCompletion ide _ comp@CompletionItem{_detail,_documentation,_data_}
| Just resolveData <- _data_
, Success (CompletionResolveData uri needType (NameDetails mod occ)) <- fromJSON resolveData
, Just file <- uriToNormalizedFilePath $ toNormalizedUri uri
resolveCompletion :: ResolveFunction IdeState CompletionResolveData 'Method_CompletionItemResolve
resolveCompletion ide _pid comp@CompletionItem{_detail,_documentation,_data_} uri (CompletionResolveData _ needType (NameDetails mod occ))
| Just file <- uriToNormalizedFilePath $ toNormalizedUri uri
= liftIO $ runIdeAction "Completion resolve" (shakeExtras ide) $ do
msess <- useWithStaleFast GhcSessionDeps file
case msess of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,7 +158,7 @@ resolveCompletion ide _ comp@CompletionItem{_detail,_documentation,_data_}
stripForall ty = case splitForAllTyCoVars ty of
(_,res) -> res
resolveCompletion _ _ comp = pure (Right comp)
resolveCompletion _ _ _ _ _ = pure $ Left $ ResponseError (InR ErrorCodes_InvalidParams) "Unable to get normalized file path for url" Nothing

-- | Generate code actions.
Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions ghcide/test/exe/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ completionTest name src pos expected = testSessionWait name $ do
[ (l, Just k, emptyToMaybe t, at) | (l,k,t,_,_,at) <- expected]
forM_ (zip compls expected) $ \(item, (_,_,_,expectedSig, expectedDocs, _)) -> do
CompletionItem{..} <-
if expectedSig || expectedDocs
if (expectedSig || expectedDocs) && isJust (item ^. L.data_)
then do
rsp <- request SMethod_CompletionItemResolve item
case rsp ^. L.result of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2081,10 +2081,13 @@ completionDocTests =
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
compls <- getCompletions doc pos
rcompls <- forM compls $ \item -> do
rsp <- request SMethod_CompletionItemResolve item
case rsp ^. L.result of
Left err -> liftIO $ assertFailure ("completionItem/resolve failed with: " <> show err)
Right x -> pure x
if isJust (item ^. L.data_)
then do
rsp <- request SMethod_CompletionItemResolve item
case rsp ^. L.result of
Left err -> liftIO $ assertFailure ("completionItem/resolve failed with: " <> show err)
Right x -> pure x
else pure item
let compls' = [
-- We ignore doc uris since it points to the local path which determined by specific machines
case mn of
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hls-plugin-api/hls-plugin-api.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ library

Expand Down
190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions hls-plugin-api/src/Ide/Plugin/Resolve.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Ide.Plugin.Resolve
mkCodeActionWithResolveAndCommand) where

import Control.Lens (_Just, (&), (.~), (?~), (^.),
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (lift))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (..), runExceptT,
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Row ((.!))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Ide.Types
import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types
import Language.LSP.Server (LspM, LspT,
ProgressCancellable (Cancellable),

-- |When provided with both a codeAction provider and an affiliated codeAction
-- resolve provider, this function creates a handler that automatically uses
-- your resolve provider to fill out you original codeAction if the client doesn't
-- have codeAction resolve support. This means you don't have to check whether
-- the client supports resolve and act accordingly in your own providers.
:: forall ideState a. (A.FromJSON a) =>
(ideState -> PluginId -> CodeActionParams -> LspM Config (Either ResponseError ([Command |? CodeAction] |? Null)))
-> (ideState -> PluginId -> CodeAction -> Uri -> a -> LspM Config (Either ResponseError CodeAction))
-> PluginHandlers ideState
mkCodeActionHandlerWithResolve codeActionMethod codeResolveMethod =
let newCodeActionMethod ideState pid params = runExceptT $
do codeActionReturn <- ExceptT $ codeActionMethod ideState pid params
caps <- lift getClientCapabilities
case codeActionReturn of
r@(InR Null) -> pure r
(InL ls) | -- If the client supports resolve, we will wrap the resolve data in a owned
-- resolve data type to allow the server to know who to send the resolve request to
supportsCodeActionResolve caps -> pure $ InL ls
--This is the actual part where we call resolveCodeAction which fills in the edit data for the client
| otherwise -> InL <$> traverse (resolveCodeAction (params ^. L.textDocument . L.uri) ideState pid) ls
in (mkPluginHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction newCodeActionMethod
<> mkResolveHandler SMethod_CodeActionResolve codeResolveMethod)
dropData :: CodeAction -> CodeAction
dropData ca = ca & L.data_ .~ Nothing
resolveCodeAction :: Uri -> ideState -> PluginId -> (Command |? CodeAction) -> ExceptT ResponseError (LspT Config IO) (Command |? CodeAction)
resolveCodeAction _uri _ideState _plId c@(InL _) = pure c
resolveCodeAction uri ideState pid (InR codeAction@CodeAction{_data_=Just value}) = do
case A.fromJSON value of
A.Error err -> throwE $ parseError (Just value) (T.pack err)
A.Success innerValueDecoded -> do
resolveResult <- ExceptT $ codeResolveMethod ideState pid codeAction uri innerValueDecoded
case resolveResult of
CodeAction {_edit = Just _ } -> do
pure $ InR $ dropData resolveResult
_ -> throwE $ invalidParamsError "Returned CodeAction has no data field"
resolveCodeAction _ _ _ (InR CodeAction{_data_=Nothing}) = throwE $ invalidParamsError "CodeAction has no data field"

-- |When provided with both a codeAction provider with a data field and a resolve
-- provider, this function creates a handler that creates a command that uses
-- your resolve if the client doesn't have code action resolve support. This means
-- you don't have to check whether the client supports resolve and act
-- accordingly in your own providers. see Note [Code action resolve fallback to commands]
-- Also: This helper only works with workspace edits, not commands. Any command set
-- either in the original code action or in the resolve will be ignored.
:: forall ideState a. (A.FromJSON a) =>
-> (ideState -> PluginId -> CodeActionParams -> LspM Config (Either ResponseError ([Command |? CodeAction] |? Null)))
-> (ideState -> PluginId -> CodeAction -> Uri -> a -> LspM Config (Either ResponseError CodeAction))
-> ([PluginCommand ideState], PluginHandlers ideState)
mkCodeActionWithResolveAndCommand plId codeActionMethod codeResolveMethod =
let newCodeActionMethod ideState pid params = runExceptT $
do codeActionReturn <- ExceptT $ codeActionMethod ideState pid params
caps <- lift getClientCapabilities
case codeActionReturn of
r@(InR Null) -> pure r
(InL ls) | -- If the client supports resolve, we will wrap the resolve data in a owned
-- resolve data type to allow the server to know who to send the resolve request to
supportsCodeActionResolve caps ->
pure $ InL ls
-- If they do not we will drop the data field, in addition we will populate the command
-- field with our command to execute the resolve, with the whole code action as it's argument.
| otherwise -> pure $ InL $ moveDataToCommand (params ^. L.textDocument . L.uri) <$> ls
in ([PluginCommand "codeActionResolve" "Executes resolve for code action" (executeResolveCmd codeResolveMethod)],
mkPluginHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction newCodeActionMethod
<> mkResolveHandler SMethod_CodeActionResolve codeResolveMethod)
where moveDataToCommand :: Uri -> Command |? CodeAction -> Command |? CodeAction
moveDataToCommand uri ca =
let dat = A.toJSON . wrapWithURI uri <$> ca ^? _R -- We need to take the whole codeAction
-- And put it in the argument for the Command, that way we can later
-- pass it to the resolve handler (which expects a whole code action)
-- It should be noted that mkLspCommand already specifies the command
-- to the plugin, so we don't need to do that here.
cmd = mkLspCommand plId (CommandId "codeActionResolve") "Execute Code Action" (pure <$> dat)
in ca
& _R . L.data_ .~ Nothing -- Set the data field to nothing
& _R . L.command ?~ cmd -- And set the command to our previously created command
wrapWithURI :: Uri -> CodeAction -> CodeAction
wrapWithURI uri codeAction =
codeAction & L.data_ .~ (A.toJSON .WithURI uri <$> data_)
where data_ = codeAction ^? L.data_ . _Just
executeResolveCmd :: (ideState -> PluginId -> CodeAction -> Uri -> a -> LspM Config (Either ResponseError CodeAction))-> CommandFunction ideState CodeAction
executeResolveCmd resolveProvider ideState ca@CodeAction{_data_=Just value} = do
withIndefiniteProgress "Applying edits for code action..." Cancellable $ do
case A.fromJSON value of
A.Error err -> pure $ Left $ parseError (Just value) (T.pack err)
A.Success (WithURI uri innerValue) -> do
case A.fromJSON innerValue of
A.Error err -> pure $ Left $ parseError (Just value) (T.pack err)
A.Success innerValueDecoded -> do
resolveResult <- resolveProvider ideState plId ca uri innerValueDecoded
case resolveResult of
Right ca2@CodeAction {_edit = Just wedits } | diffCodeActions ca ca2 == ["edit"] -> do
_ <- sendRequest SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams Nothing wedits) (\_ -> pure ())
pure $ Right $ InR Null
Right ca2@CodeAction {_edit = Just _ } ->
pure $ Left $
internalError $
"The resolve provider unexpectedly returned a code action with the following differing fields: "
<> (T.pack $ show $ diffCodeActions ca ca2)
Right _ -> pure $ Left $ internalError "The resolve provider unexpectedly returned a result with no data field"
Left err -> pure $ Left err
executeResolveCmd _ _ CodeAction{_data_= value} = pure $ Left $ invalidParamsError ("The code action to resolve has an illegal data field: " <> (T.pack $ show value))

-- TODO: Remove once provided by lsp-types
-- |Compares two CodeActions and returns a list of fields that are not equal
diffCodeActions :: CodeAction -> CodeAction -> [T.Text]
diffCodeActions ca ca2 =
let titleDiff = if ca ^. L.title == ca2 ^. L.title then Nothing else Just "title"
kindDiff = if ca ^. L.kind == ca2 ^. L.kind then Nothing else Just "kind"
diagnosticsDiff = if ca ^. L.diagnostics == ca2 ^. L.diagnostics then Nothing else Just "diagnostics"
commandDiff = if ca ^. L.command == ca2 ^. L.command then Nothing else Just "diagnostics"
isPreferredDiff = if ca ^. L.isPreferred == ca2 ^. L.isPreferred then Nothing else Just "isPreferred"
dataDiff = if ca ^. L.data_ == ca2 ^. L.data_ then Nothing else Just "data"
disabledDiff = if ca ^. L.disabled == ca2 ^. L.disabled then Nothing else Just "disabled"
editDiff = if ca ^. L.edit == ca2 ^. L.edit then Nothing else Just "edit"
in catMaybes [titleDiff, kindDiff, diagnosticsDiff, commandDiff, isPreferredDiff, dataDiff, disabledDiff, editDiff]

-- |To execute the resolve provider as a command, we need to additionally store
-- the URI that was provided to the original code action.
data WithURI = WithURI {
_uri :: Uri
, _value :: A.Value
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance A.ToJSON WithURI
instance A.FromJSON WithURI

-- |Checks if the the client supports resolve for code action. We currently only check
-- whether resolve for the edit field is supported, because that's the only one we care
-- about at the moment.
supportsCodeActionResolve :: ClientCapabilities -> Bool
supportsCodeActionResolve caps =
caps ^? L.textDocument . _Just . L.codeAction . _Just . L.dataSupport . _Just == Just True
&& case caps ^? L.textDocument . _Just . L.codeAction . _Just . L.resolveSupport . _Just of
Just row -> "edit" `elem` row .! #properties
_ -> False

internalError :: T.Text -> ResponseError
internalError msg = ResponseError (InR ErrorCodes_InternalError) ("Ide.Plugin.Resolve: Internal Error : " <> msg) Nothing

invalidParamsError :: T.Text -> ResponseError
invalidParamsError msg = ResponseError (InR ErrorCodes_InvalidParams) ("Ide.Plugin.Resolve: : " <> msg) Nothing

parseError :: Maybe A.Value -> T.Text -> ResponseError
parseError value errMsg = ResponseError (InR ErrorCodes_ParseError) ("Ide.Plugin.Resolve: Error parsing value:"<> (T.pack $ show value) <> " Error: "<> errMsg) Nothing

{- Note [Code action resolve fallback to commands]
To make supporting code action resolve easy for plugins, we want to let them
provide one implementation that can be used both when clients support
resolve, and when they don't.
The way we do this is to have them always implement a resolve handler.
Then, if the client doesn't support resolve, we instead install the resolve
handler as a _command_ handler, passing the code action literal itself
as the command argument. This allows the command handler to have
the same interface as the resolve handler!

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