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teh authored Jan 29, 2017
2 parents 445c157 + 0768c38 commit 1e28ebf
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Showing 4 changed files with 287 additions and 29 deletions.
302 changes: 274 additions & 28 deletions docs/source/tutorial/Introduction.lhs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,58 +6,304 @@ First some imports:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Introduction where
import Protolude
import GraphQL.API (Object, Field, Argument, (:>))
import GraphQL.Resolver (Handler, (:<>)(..))
import System.Random
import GraphQL
import GraphQL.API (Object, Field, Argument, (:>), Union)
import GraphQL.Resolver (Handler, (:<>)(..), unionValue)
## A simple GraphQL service
A [GraphQL]( service is made up of two things:
1. A schema that defines the service
2. Some code that implements the service's behavior
We're going to build a very simple service that says hello to
people. Our GraphQL schema for this looks like:
type Hello {
greeting(who: String!): String!
Which means we have base type, an _object_ called `Hello`, which has a single
_field_ `greeting`, which takes a non-nullable `String` called `who` and
returns a `String`.
Note that all the types here are GraphQL types, not Haskell types. `String`
here is a GraphQL `String`, not a Haskell one.
And we want to be able to send queries that look like:
greeting(who: "world")
And get responses like:
"data": {
"greeting": "Hello world!"
### Defining the schema
Here's how we would define the schema in Haskell:
type Hello = Object "Hello" '[]
'[ Argument "who" Text :> Field "greeting" Text
Breaking this down, we define a new Haskell type `Hello`, which is a GraphQL
object (also named `"Hello"`) that implements no interfaces (hence `'[]`). It
has one field, called `"greeting"` which returns some `Text` and takes a
single named argument `"who"`, which is also `Text`.
Note that the GraphQL `String` from above got translated into a Haskell
There are some noteworthy differences between this schema and the GraphQL
* The GraphQL schema requires a special annotation to say that a value cannot
be null, `!`. In Haskell, we instead assume that nothing can be null.
* In the GraphQL schema, the argument appears *after* the field name. In
Haskell, it appears *before*.
* In Haskell, we name the top-level type twice, once on left hand side of the
type definition and once on the right.
### Implementing the handlers
Once we have the schema, we need to define the corresponding handlers, which
are `Handler` values.
Here's a `Handler` for `Hello`:
hello :: Handler IO Hello
hello = pure greeting
greeting who = pure ("Hello " <> who <> "!")
The type signature, `Handler IO Hello` shows that it's a `Handler` for
`Hello`, and that it runs in the `IO` monad. (Note: nothing about this example
code requires the `IO` monad, it's just a monad that lots of people has heard
The implementation looks slightly weird, but it's weird for good reasons.
The first layer of the handler, `pure greeting`, produces the `Hello` object.
The `pure` might seem redundant here, but making this step monadic allows us
to run actions in the base monad.
The second layer of the handler, the implementation of `greeting`, produces
the value of the `greeting` field. It is monadic so that it will only be
executed when the field was requested.
Each field handler is a separate monadic action so we only perform the side
effects for fields present in the query.
This handler is in `Identity` because it doesn't do anything particularly
monadic. It could be in `IO` or `STM` or `ExceptT Text IO` or whatever you
would like.
### Running queries
Defining a service isn't much point unless you can query. Here's how:
queryHello :: IO Response
queryHello = interpretAnonymousQuery @Hello hello "{ greeting(who: \"mort\") }"
The actual `Response` type is fairly verbose, so we're most likely to turn it
into JSON:
λ Aeson.encode <$> queryHello
"{\"greeting\":\"Hello mort!\"}"
The core idea for this library is that we define a composite type that
specifies the whole API, and then implement a matching handler.
## Combining field handlers with :<>
The main GraphQL entities we care about are Objects and Fields. Each
Field can have arguments.
How do we define an object with more than one field?
Let's implement a simple calculator that can add and subtract integers. First,
the schema:
type Calculator {
add(a: Int!, b: Int!): Int!,
sub(a: Int!, b: Int!): Int!,
Here, `Calculator` is an object with two fields: `add` and `sub`.
And now the Haskell version:
``` haskell
type HelloWorld = Object "HelloWorld" '[]
'[ Argument "greeting" Text :> Field "me" Text
type Calculator = Object "Calculator" '[]
'[ Argument "a" Int32 :> Argument "b" Int32 :> Field "add" Int32
, Argument "a" Int32 :> Argument "b" Int32 :> Field "subtract" Int32
The example above is equivalent to the following GraphQL type:
So far, this is the same as our `Hello` example.
And its handler:
calculator :: Handler IO Calculator
calculator = pure (add :<> subtract')
add a b = pure (a + b)
subtract' a b = pure (a - b)
type HelloWorld {
me(greeting: String!): String!
This handler introduces a new operator, `:<>` (pronounced "birdface"), which
is used to compose two existing handlers into a new handler. It's inspired by
the operator for monoids, `<>`.
Note that we still need `pure` for each individual handler.
## Nesting Objects
How do we define objects made up other objects?
One of the great things in GraphQL is that objects can be used as types for
fields. Take this classic GraphQL schema as an example:
type Query {
me: User!
type User {
name: Text!
We would query this schema with something like:
me {
And if we had a code to handle that type (more later) we could query it like this:
Which would produce output like:
"data": {
"me": {
"name": "Mort"
{ me(greeting: "hello") }
The Haskell type for this schema looks like:
type User = Object "User" '[] '[Field "name" Text]
type Query = Object "Query" '[] '[Field "me" User]
## The handler
Note that `Query` refers to the type `User` when it defines the field `me`.
We defined a corresponding handler via the `Handler m a` which takes
the monad to run in (`IO` in this case) and the actual API definition
We write nested handlers the same way we write the top-level handler:
handler :: Handler IO HelloWorld
handler = pure (\greeting -> pure (greeting <> " to me"))
user :: Handler IO User
user = pure name
name = pure "Mort"
query :: Handler IO Query
query = pure user
The implementation looks slightly weird, but it's weird for good
reasons. In order:
And that's it.
* The first `pure` allows us to run actions in the base monad (`IO`
here) before returning anything. This is useful to allocate a resource
like a database connection.
* The `pure` in the function call allows us to **avoid running
actions** when the field hasn't been requested: Each handler is a
separate monadic action so we only perform the side effects for fields
present in the query.
## Unions
GraphQL has [support for union
types]( These require special
treatment in Haskell.
Let's define a union, first in GraphQL:
union UserOrCalculator = User | Calculator
And now in Haskell:
type UserOrCalculator = Union "UserOrCalculator" '[User, Calculator]
And let's define a very simple top-level object that uses `UserOrCalculator`:
type UnionQuery = Object "UnionQuery" '[] '[Field "union" UserOrCalculator]
and a handler that randomly returns either a user or a calculator:
unionQuery :: Handler IO UnionQuery
unionQuery = do
returnUser <- randomIO
if returnUser
then pure (unionValue @User user)
else pure (unionValue @Calculator calculator)
The important thing here is that we have to wrap the actual objects we return
using `unionValue`.
Note that while `unionValue` looks a bit like `unsafeCoerce` by forcing one
type to become another type, it's actually type-safe because we use a
*type-index* to pick the correct type from the union. Using e.g. `unionValue
@HelloWorld handler` will not compile because `HelloWorld` is not in the
## Where next?
We have an
directory showing full code examples.
We also have a fair number of [end-to-end
based on an [example
that you might find interesting.
If you want to try the examples in this tutorial you can run:
stack repl tutorial
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/tutorial/package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,16 @@ maintainer: [email protected], Jonathan M. Lange <[email protected]>

ghc-options: -Wall -pgmL markdown-unlit

- NoImplicitPrelude

- Introduction
- base >= 4.9 && < 5
- protolude
- graphql-api
- random
- markdown-unlit >= 0.4
- aeson
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion docs/source/tutorial/tutorial.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.14.1.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.15.0.
-- see:

Expand All @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >= 1.10

default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude
Expand All @@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ library
base >= 4.9 && < 5
, protolude
, graphql-api
, random
, markdown-unlit >= 0.4
, aeson
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -pgmL markdown-unlit
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/GraphQL/Internal/Output.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module GraphQL.Internal.Output
) where

import Protolude hiding (Location, Map)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import GraphQL.Value
( Object
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +76,9 @@ instance ToValue Response where
,("errors", toValue e)

instance ToJSON Response where
toJSON = toJSON . toValue

type Errors = NonEmpty Error

data Error = Error Text [Location] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
Expand Down

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