Serverless Bartender Bot
is a chat-bot powered by Amazon Lex
and built on top of Serverless Architecture
You can build the project and create a fat jar.
./gradlew clean build
Serverless Framework is used to describe the entire infrastructure as code.
Under the hood, it is converting our serverless.yml
file to the CloudFormation
Checkout serverless.yml
for infrastructure definitions.
Once you have setup your local environment to use serverless
and AWS
, you can deploy the entire infrastructure.
sls deploy
Use following instructions to deploy the bot.
1 . Give permission to Lex
to invoke the lambda function.
aws lambda add-permission --region eu-west-1 --function-name serverless-bartenderbot-dev-lexevent --statement-id serverless-bartender-bot --action "lambda:InvokeFunction" --principal ""
2 . Update previously exported bot json file with your own aws account id.
sed "s/<aws-account-id>/$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r .Account)/g" BartenderBot_Export.json.template > BartenderBot_Export.json
3 . Zip bot json file.
zip BartenderBot_Export.json
4 . Start the bot import job.
aws lex-models start-import --region eu-west-1 --payload fileb:// --resource-type BOT --merge-strategy OVERWRITE_LATEST
5 . Import process may take a while. You can check the status of the job.
aws lex-models get-import --import-id import-id-from-previous-command --region eu-west-1
6 . Once the import operation succeed, you can build the bot.
I admit that this part is a bit hacky, but there is no other way to put bot into ready state.
aws lex-models get-bot --name Bartender_Bot --version-or-alias "\$LATEST" --region eu-west-1 | jq 'with_entries(select([.key] | inside(["name", "description", "intents", "clarificationPrompt", "abortStatement", "idleSessionTTLInSeconds", "voiceId", "checksum", "processBehavior", "locale", "childDirected", "createVersion"])))' | jq -r > BartenderBot.json
aws lex-models put-bot --region eu-west-1 --name Bartender_Bot --cli-input-json file://BartenderBot.json
7 . Check whether the status of the bot is READY
aws lex-models create-bot-version --region eu-west-1 --name Bartender_Bot
8 . Now, you can test the bot.
aws lex-runtime post-text --region eu-west-1 --bot-alias "\$LATEST" --bot-name Bartender_Bot --user-id "$(uuidgen)" --input-text "Hi"
You will get the following response.
"sessionAttributes": {},
"message": "Hi. How can i help you ?",
"messageFormat": "PlainText",
"dialogState": "ElicitIntent"
There is also an user-interface exists on Amazon Lex Console where you can test your bot.
Tho bot is designed to fetch cocktails from DynamoDB, so we need to seed DynamoDB with cocktails. Previously, I've developed a scrapper Cocktail Fetcher to help you to have a Cocktail DB.
First, run the following command to get service information.
sls info
You will most likely get the following response.
Service Information
service: serverless-bartenderbot
stage: dev
region: eu-west-1
stack: serverless-bartenderbot-dev
resources: 28
api keys:
lexevent: serverless-bartenderbot-dev-lexevent
createcocktail: serverless-bartenderbot-dev-createcocktail
getcocktails: serverless-bartenderbot-dev-getcocktails
filtercocktail: serverless-bartenderbot-dev-filtercocktail
Now, you need to seed all the cocktails within repository.json
to the feed endpoint.
Run the following command to start seeding. This process may take a while.
Let's try to filter the cocktails to see if the seed is succeed.
curl -X POST -d '{"alcoholType" : "NONALCOHOLIC", "cocktailCategory" : "Ordinary Drink"}'
"items": [
"cocktailId": "fa522ede-9e82-3bba-a7b3-656fa5209cdf",
"cocktailName": "Pysch Vitamin Light",
"alcoholType": "NONALCOHOLIC",
"category": "Ordinary Drink",
"glass": "Collins Glass",
"imageUrl": "",
"instructions": "Shake with ice."
"status": "OK"
You can run all tests.
./gradlew test