This project allows users to purchase tickets for 3 plays at a theater, print them, and generate statistics based on sales.
- Buy Tickets: Users can choose from three plays (Wicked, The Lion King and Auto da Compadecida, by default), available in three shifts, and reserve seats.
- Choose different areas: The theater has five distinct areas (Audience A, Audience B, Frieze, Box, and Grand Balcony), each with different prices and seat availability for the user to choose from.
- Print ticket: Users can enter their CPF (Brazilian tax ID) and view all the tickets they've purchased.
- Show stats: The system provides general sales statistics for the theater as well as individual stats for each play.
- Export data: Users can easily export both their bought tickets and the theater's sales statistics to a
- Java 23 or newer installed.
- Make sure Git is installed.
- Go to the directory where you want the project folder to be.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the project in your preferred IDE.
- Java: Robust, object-oriented programming language.
- JavaFX: Framework for building modern, responsive graphic interfaces.
- SceneBuilder: Visual tool for creating and organizing JavaFX interfaces.
- Murilo Nunes muriloonunes
- Hartur Sales hartur-sales
- Davy Lopes DavyL0