Ansible Playbooks
ansible-playbook -i <inventory> [-l <hostname>] -kK --ask-vault-pass playbooks/archlinux_setup.yml
ansible-playbook -i <inventory> -kK playbooks/archlinux_update.yml --tags update_packages
ansible-playbook -l <hostname> -kK playbooks/backup.yml --tags backup
- backup (backup/restore ssh config using a local SMB share)
- dotfiles (via another github repo)
- flexo (client or server)
- gnome (with GDM and NetworkManager)
- git (with global config)
- kernel (with custom modules config)
- nextdns (client and server)
- pacman (and yay)
- setup (package install and custom system config)
- wireguard (configured as a VPN)
- boot loader installation
- user creation
- locale.{gen,conf} configuration
- /etc/{hostname,hosts} configuration